Chapter 94: Future Trunks saga Finale.

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Vegitaleb blocked a right hook from omni cell before countering with an upper cut and a round house. The five of the kicked knocked omni cell away, and out of the city. Vegitaleb didn't want any of the newly revived citizens to get killed, and their time was running out. It'd be freaky for people to see someone to split into three different people after all.

Vegitaleb also started to use god ki so no one could sense their fight but other gods.

Omni Cell: TIMES THREE!!

Omni Cell started cackling loudly.

Omni Cell: This is the best tequnuique for me! Infinite regeneration plus zenkais! I get stronger with every second and I don't even have to turn the multiplier up after a certain point!

Vegitaleb transforms into blue and used Kaioken x20.

Vegitaleb: We'll see about that!!

Vegitaleb and Omni Cell charged at each other. Omni Cell used a barrage of beams, but it seemed that energy blasts didn't have any effect on Vegitaleb. Omni Cell feinted a right hook, and went for a gut check. But just before his fist connected, Vegitaleb split into three people. The three all kicked Omni Cell in the face before putting some distance between them.

Omni Cell: FUCK! I didn't think I'd get jumped! Last time I try to take three all at once...

Omni Cell said while holding his face. Goku, Vegeta, and Caleb atayed back cautiously.

Goku: Are you gonna use your trump card?

Caleb: Do you think you can buy me some time?

Vegeta: Five minutes maybe.

Caleb: That's more than plenty. HRAH!!

With a shout, Caleb went into God form and started regening his ki. Goku and Vegeta went Blue to try and distract Omni Cell. It was no problem for Omni Cell, and he almoat made it, but Trunks came in a shiny new marketable form known as Super Saiyan Rage to block him.


Trunks started to cut into Cell with his sword, causing Cell to drop out of Kaioken briefly to focus his ki.

Omni Cell: How many times do I have to kill this fruity looking brat?!

Omni Cell charged a death beam at the tip of his finger, but he was suddenly kocked away by massive object.

Goku: Holy Black on a Popo!

Trunks: Is that a cruise ship?!


Vegeta: Oh my Frieza, that actually worked?!

Trunks: Dad!

Vegeta: Old habit, sorry.

Alucard vacated from the cruise ship before Omni Cell blew it up.

Alucard: WOOOO!!!! I wanna do that atleast SIX more times!!!


Caleb: Just trying to have fun with the little time we've got left.

Omni Cell looked up to see Caleb in a more sparkly looking version of Super Saiyan Blue.

Omni Cell: What... What is that...?

Vegeta: That's!

Goku: But he only mastered blue recently!

Caleb: This... This is Evolution.

Omni Cell: No... no! I am evolution! You title stealing DICKHEAD!!!! KAIOKEN X200

Omni Cell rushed after Caleb and tried to beat him down, but Caleb stood there and took it before grabing Omni Cell's right arm.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2022 ⏰

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