Chapter 93: Fusions. [FTS part 3]

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Back in the Future--Past?--

Back in the main timeline, Caleb and Co, along with the addition of two Supreme Kais. Were all relaxing in Capsule Corp. Bulma allowed them to use a spare meeting room, and got some attendents to cater to them.

Team CREN was the most nettled about what happened, as the group carefully explained what happened to Shin and Gowasu.

Vegeta: I still can't beleive there were so many Blacks...

Nathan: *Deep breath* neither.

Caleb: And here I thought Zamasu was a edgy teenager playing god.

Gowasu: Ohoho, I suppose that's one way to describe him.

Caleb: I thought we could do the one trip to the future, but we have to do it two. The extras really didn't make things easy.

Goku: Yeah, I heard that you guys couldn't even get to Omni Cell.

Caleb clenched his fist and accidentally released some of his Aura.

Caleb: I'm going to kill him.

Rimuru: Whoah, whoah, calm down Caleb. A leader shouldn't be quick to anger.

Caleb lossened up a bit.

Caleb: You stole that from Gazel.

Rimuru: Ehehehe...

Goku: Oh, Yeah, Rimuru! Thanks for the heal!

Vegeta: It would not have been needed if someone didn't the senzu beans.

Goku: Ehehe...

Vegeta looks at Goku with annoyance.

Ethan: Come on Vegeta everyone makes mistakes.

Caleb: Besides Goku is typically smarter than this. He even figured out my plan before I got time to explain it.

Rory: Are you sure?

A black tendril came out of Caleb and hit Rory upside the head.

Caleb: Mans a genius when it comes to plants and animals, fighting and strategy. With how he's lived his life up until Raditz first came along, those were all he needed to know. He hadn't been in that routine since he met Vegeta, so it's fine if he messes up here and there.

Bulma: Well, he's right you know. Goku's been living in the woods or in the wild for most of his life. Even after I met him he didn't really change all too much until he settled down with chichi, but even then not much has changed.

Vegeta: I... I never really thought about that. I... apologize Kakarot.

Goku: It's fine Vegeta, I did hit my head as a kid, so there muah be something wrong up here.

Caleb: We should take a look at that sometime.

Shin: *ahem* I don't mean to interupt, but...

Alucard: Yeah, why the fuck are you two here.

Shin: UUHHHHH.....

Gowasu: I wanted to try and reason with Zamasu, or at least understand where I went wrong. I don't want to make the same mistake twice, now.

Bulma: No way the time machine can handle all of us!

Caleb: Eh, could be worse.

Issei: By the way, what are Senzu beans?

Caleb: They're like Pheonix tears, but harder to get because they can only be grown under very specific conditions and harvested at a very specific time of year.

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