Chapter 71: Competition, and Jaundice

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Nathan: You wanna go m8?!


Ethan/Caleb: Why is it always this god dammed early.

Nathan and Rory were seemingly at each others necks all day. Arguing about stupid shit, that neither Caleb or Ethan could even start to comprehend.

Ethan: Probably because they're simple minded fucks.

Caleb: And there goes the language.

It was combat class by now, and they were just silently glaring at each other.

Caleb: How did this start again?

Ethan: They started talking about who's best girl, and it's OBVIOUSLY Ruby.

Caleb: ... The team, the show, or the person.

Ethan: ... Yes.

Suddenly, Ethan was upside down with his head stuck into the concrete.

Caleb: God dammed smart asses.

Ethan raises a finger

Ethan: *muffled* I still stand by what I said.

Rory: Hey isn't Jaune about to--

Caleb suddenly stops Cardin's Mace from swinging down on Jaune with a finger, seemingly teleporting up there with a yellow flash.

Glynda: Thank you Mr. Daniel. As you can see, Mr. Arc's Aura is in the Red, signifying he is no longer fit for battle, and that the official may call the match.

Caleb: Only in tournament style duels.

Glynda: Yes. Mr. Arc, it's been weeks now. Please try to refer to your scroll doing combat. Gauging your Aura will help you decide when it is appropriate to attack, or when it is better to move to a more... defensive strategy. We wouldn't want you to be gobbled up by a Beowulf, now would we?

Cardin: Speak for yourself...

Caleb: Watch it, Car-dick.

Cardin: Ya got a problem punk.

Caleb: Do you want to have a problem?

Cardin: Huh?!

Nathan: ASS!!

Rory: TITS!!

Ethan: REALLY?!


RWBY/_NP_/Glynda/Nonon/Ryuko/Satsuki/Char/Frisk: WH-WHA?!

J__R/CRDL/BRJV/Ethan/Ira/Hoka/Uzu: Spoken like a true man.

???/Pika/Snake/Ark: God dammit Kiddo....

(Author: The fuck you say to me you little shit?!)

Caleb: Well, I didn't think I'd manage to win everyone over like that.


Caleb sat down, with the rest of his team, and friends at a big table. And he was happy, because some of his other friends joined him as well. Team AACE, Composed of Adam, Ashton, Colt(Nick is his first name, but Caleb calls him his middle name for some fuckin reason), and Evan.

Caleb: You sons of bitches, how did you manage to get permission?

Snake: Well our team Captain is Durp

Caleb: Wait... DAPS?

Snake: Pika only choosed it because--

Pika: I wanted us to be the most dapper team.

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