Chapter 82: A walk.

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I walked throughout beacon, looking for the library. Luckily, it wasn't hard to find one of the biggest buldings on campus. The outside was plane and simple, while the inside was colorful and sophisticated. The roof was reminiscent of the inside of a giant ship.

Caleb: An "ark"ive of knowledge. Even when unknown, you reference our culture so fluently.

I chuckled under my breath at the thought. I put the thought aside as I walked up the stairs up to the second floor. Normally, I don't actively search for books. With all this multiverse crap happening, I need something to take my mind off of it. Luckily there aren't many people, but there are still.

???: Hey, isn't it weird how this "Kiddo" guy keeps poping up in different books? It's like the exact same character staring from scratch each time.

I paused in my tracks.

Caleb: 'Kiddo? But that was...'

I walk over to the guys talking about the book.

Caleb: Hey guys, I heard you were talking about--

???: Oh, you're Dave's son!

Caleb: Oh, uh... Yes.

???: You're such a cute little thing!! I take a picture with you?!

Caleb: Ah, no, sorry.

???: Come on, just one picture?

Caleb: No.

I said a little more sternly. I have this weird stigma against having my picture taken, which is why I'm so mad right now. But from the look on their face, I can't help but feel bad.

Caleb: Look man, I just don't like my picture being taken... Maybe some other day.

???: O-Oh... Okay...

Caleb: But uh, hey! That's a pretty cool book you got there!

???: Oh, uh, yeah!

Caleb: Where can I find it?

???: Oh, there's only one copy of each of these on remnant as far as I know.

Caleb: Huh. What are the names of these books?

???: Uhh well, the three I'm reading right now are Saiyan History, Legend of the Super Saiyan, and Saiyan Adventures. It's better to read the first two before Saiyan Adventures.

Caleb: Oh, uh... I know it's kinda weird to ask, but could I have the copies you have right now?

???: Oh, sure, I don't mind!

Caleb: Great, thanks!

The kid hands me the book, and I quickly looked over at the back and and read the summary. Glancing over, it was exactly what I did a couple years ago. I flipped open the book and read. A perfect recount my rise to the top in one of the games I used to play. But it's different. It's not describing menu and UI or HUD's. It's like it was a real place. Like I lived there. But, technically, I did didn't I?

But this is so surreal. The multiverse is real, I live in it. But, other versions of myself? Not possible. Right?

But Durp said...

???: Uh, Caleb?

Snapping out of my trance, I looked back up at the guy who gave me the books. He looked at me kinda dumbfounded, and I just brushed it off.

???: Here are the rest of the books.

Caleb: Oh, uh. Thanks!

I quickly said as I started to back away.

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