Not What I Expected

Start from the beginning

"You have changed," Jay says, sitting across from me.

"I haven't changed," I retort, "I have places to be, and you were late."

"Yes," Jay nods his head, "You have changed." He holds up his hands to keep me from protesting. "In the past, you would be the one apologizing, whether it was your fault or not. You would have also been the one who was late."

"Like I said," I repeat, "I have somewhere I need to be."

"You mean you have someone you need to meet," Jay corrects, "Don't worry. Namtam is talking with him."

"What?" I shout, standing up to leave.

"Oon," Jay grabs my hand, "Please hear me out. She is just apologizing to him. That is all."

"Arthit," I reiterate, "Whatever you have to tell me, just get on with it."

"Ai'Arthit," Jay says, shaking his head, "I really did lose you as a friend, didn't I?"

I still at those words. Jay, Namtam, and I have been friends for so long. It sounds odd to hear Jay say that he had lost me as a friend, but isn't that what has happened?

"I am sorry, Ai'Arthit," Jay sighs, "Namtam and I used you. I was wrong to taunt you about Namtam. I knew you liked her just as long as I had. When I told you I would ask her out, I thought you would stop me and tell me you liked her, but you didn't. You supported both of us, and how did we repay you? We stuck you in the middle of our fights."

I am stunned. Jay being contrite is not what I expected when he asked to talk to me. Now I have to wonder what Namtam is telling Kong.

"What made you want to talk to me?" I question.

"Realizing I lost you as a friend," Jay shrugs, "Namtam and I don't expect you to forgive us. You were right, and we were selfish. We never expected you to... I don't know. We always took for granted that you would always be there. But why would you when we treated like we did? I was cruel. In a way, I was always worried Namtam would realize you were the better guy and dump me. That doesn't explain why I treated you the way I did. You never acted on your feelings once."

"You were my friend," I sigh, "I wouldn't do that to you."

"I know," Jay agrees, "Which makes me a bigger ass."

"Yes, it does," I snark.

"Can I ask you something, and you won't get mad?" Jay questions. I nod my head. Why not?

"When did you start liking guys?" Jay asks, leaning forward.

"I like Kongpop," I explain, "He is the only person I like, and it just so happens he is a guy. I don't know how else to explain it. Not like I am going to jump every guy I see now."

"How did he ask you out?" Jay inquires.

"I asked him out," I smile, remembering the night on the bridge. "He chased me, and I ran him off. In the end, I was afraid of losing him, so I asked him."

"Then you never really loved Namtam," Jay hums, lost in thought.

"I guess that is true," I agree, "If I had, I would have done something about it, but that never happened. For Kongpop, I did."

"Just so you know," Jay begins, "Namtam and I won't be telling our parents or yours. We would never do that to you, Ai'Arthit."

"Just call me Oon," I sigh, "You calling me Ai'Arthit is just weird."

"Not yet," Jay tells me, "Maybe when we are on better terms, and we deserve to lose the right to call you that. Besides, your boyfriend would kill me if I use your special name."

"That is not my special name," I blush.

"Oh?" Jay grins, "What is it then?"

"Sun," I blurt. "He calls me his Sun."

"Sun?" Jay laughs, "What do you call him?"

"He is my Moon," I shrug, "I am dating the Campus Moon after all."

"I can't believe you snagged the Campus Moon," Jay chuckles, "Out of all the girls and guys on campus. You got him."

"He was mine from the beginning," I brag, "Nobody had a chance."

"Who are you, and what did you do to my shy friend?" Jay asks.

"Shut it," I slap away his hand, trying to feel my forehead. "Sorry about the other day."

"Don't be," Jay shakes his head. "We both had it coming to us. I should have stopped Namtam from pouring that drink on your boyfriend. We were childish. It was impressive, though."

"Impressive," I snort.

"You defended your boyfriend, told us off, and declared he was yours," Jay details, "In front of everyone."

"Don't remind me," I roll my eyes.

"I take it your friends don't mind that you are dating N'Kongpop," Jay asks.

"Yeah," I nod, " They are good with Kongpop." It would be funny if they weren't considering who they are dating.

Jay's phone sounds, and he looks at the message. "Come on," Jay says, standing up, "I will take you to your boyfriend."

"Is everything ok?" I ask, concerned. "She didn't do anything to him?"

"No," Jay shakes his head, "I told you she was just going to apologize. Just like me. By the way, we have made up. And the next time we fight, we won't involve you."

"Why the hell do you two fight all the time?" I grumble, "It is annoying."

"I don't think we will be fighting as much anymore," Jay shrugs, "You were the reason. Let's face it. I just told you that I was always worried about you taking Namtam from me. But now I know you would never do that."

"So you were insecure? That is what this was all about?" I am flabbergasted. "Seriously, Jay. That is fvcked up."

"Tell me something I don't know," Jay laughs. "I hope we can be friends again like we used to be before I started screwing it all up."

"It could happen," I smile.

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#SOTUS Continued: Book One A PremWad TaleWhere stories live. Discover now