Chapter 32

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****Before reading, listen to I want Crazy by Hunter Hayes!! :D It goes so well with this chapter. ****

After school, Grant takes me back to his house. Jacob was already there, with Franklin. Apparently, He picked Jacob up from the babysitter. I have to remember to ask how he accomplished that, he was only twelve.

When Franklin asks me for money, I tell him I'm broke as usual. It was the truth, but I can't help but wonder why he wants money all the time.

He sighs, and invites me to watch a movie with him on Netflix. We are going to watch the Croods. I heard it was hilarious, and can't wait to see it.

As soon as he presses play, I hear the baby cry. I apologize to Franklin, and go upstairs to see what's wrong.

Jacob vomited all over his clothes, my heart beats quickly.

"Grant!" I yell as I wipe vomit off of his clothes. I pull out a new pair of clothes, and begin switching them. Unfortunately I find another surprise, but this one came out the other end.

"Yes?" Grant replies, walking into Jacob's room.

"I don't think he feels well." I say worriedly.

"Why?" Grant inquires, picking up the baby.

"Well this is the fourth time he vomited since we came home from school. And not to be gross, but his poop is runny." I say. "I think you should call the doctor."

"Ok, I'll go do it now." He says, handing Jacob to me, and leaving the room.

I rock the baby back and forth in my arms. "It will be ok baby boy, you're going to feel better." I say, trying to soothe him.

Even though it is obvious he is not feeling good, Jacob is not being fussy. He just sits quietly and looks at me.

I observe him, he looks so much like Grant, but I can see Samantha's features in his mouth area. They both made their own imprints on his cute little face.

After a few minutes Grant comes back into the room. "The doctor says I can bring him in now. Let's go, I'll drop you home."

I shake my head, frowning. "Why would I want to go home? I want to make sure Jacob's ok. And to be honest, I don't trust you to ask the right questions."

"I've taken him to the doctors before." Grant says indignantly.

"Since I'm going to be there, you can show me what you got." I say playfully.

We load the baby in the car, and speed off to the doctors.

I carry Jacob to the back room when we arrive, while Grant fills out the paper work.

"Are you this baby's mother? I need consent, to give him the vaccinations he's due for." The nurse tells me, while she listen's to his heart beat.

"No, but his father is outside. He's going to come in after he fills out the paper work." I explain.

She nods her head in understanding, and takes Jacob's temperature.

I look around the office feeling a little anxious. I don't know what the doctor is going to say, I just pray everything will be ok. GOD will take care of it.

I was right, when we came out of the doctor's office 30 minutes later, everything was indeed fine. The doctor said, Jacob appears to be having an allergic reaction to his formula. It has to be switched, and then he should feel better within a day.

I happily get in the car, with a sigh of relief.

Grant chuckles lightly. "You worry too much."

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