Chapter 29

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"Good Morning Christen." A sophomore greeted me.

I turn to her and smile. "Good Morning Chelsea."

As I walk down the hall, I'm greeted with more greetings like the one Chelsea gave me. It still amazes me how people's attitude towards me completely changed. They went from being super mean to super friendly in the blink of an eye.

I open my locker and pack my books. "Hi." Grant says leaning on the locker next to mine.

I smile at him. "Hi."

I really don't know why we're doing this we just saw each other. Grant is now taking me to school again. I'm really happy about that, but I miss Justin, he is hilarious.

"You need to pack your bags quicker than that if you don't want to be late to Chemistry." Grant says. I look at the clock in the hallway, I only have 5 minutes to get there.

"I hate Chemistry anyways, Let's skip!" I say, really considering the idea.

Grant stares at me with a serious expression on his face. "I'll gladly skip, but you won't be joining me." I start to get excited until the last part of his sentence registers.

I scoff. "And why is it ok for you to skip and not me?"

He smirks. "Because, my teacher is used to it. Your teacher might go into cardiac arrest from the shock." He's just being dramatic. He won't go into Cardiac arrest, maybe just a mild heart attack.

An idea pops into my head. I start to twirl my hair around my finger, widen my eyes, and stick out my lower lip until it forms the perfect pout. "Please Sweet Cheeks."

Grant's expression softens. Bingo!

He leans down to whisper in my ear. "I will personally pay for you to get some acting lessons, because that was just sad. The answer is still No." He finishes, before leaning away.

I huff, so much for trying to manipulate him.

"You can't stop me from skipping." I say indignantly.

"No, but I won't accompany you." He retorts.

"Fine. You win." I give up, it's no fun skipping class alone. Plus, I really don't want to shock my teachers to death.

'You know better.' ABBA says in my head.

'I'm Sorry GOD, I won't try to skip again.'

He smiles, and I can't help but smile too.

It's weird, but it is great to be reprimanded by GOD. It's so much love behind it. He just wants you to be the best you, you can be.

'Tell Grant I want him to go to class too.' ABBA says.

"Grant, GOD says he wants you to go to class." I say smugly.

"Ok." He says easily.

I love how he doesn't question my ability to speak to GOD. It's kind of far fetched from what most Christians believe they can do, so it makes me happy he believes me.

Grant walks me to my first period, chemistry, and then he walks to his.

As soon as I walk in the door, the bell rings.

I hurry over to my seat. When I sit down, I see Mandy smirking at me from the other side of the room.

I roll my eyes, and start copying the notes on the board.

Later at lunch time, I pluck my grapes at Marcus. Don't worry, I have my reasons.

A few minutes ago, Marcus said 'Girls shouldn't get funding for sports, because no one takes them seriously anyway.'

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