Chapter 2

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When I arrive at school I rush to my first period class, Chemistry. What if the teacher yells at me? Everyone in the class will stare and I don't deal with that well.

I take several deep breaths, and ask GOD to help me go in there without any issues in JESUS' name. I sent up my prayer and walked in with confidence as bold as a lion.

I see the teacher is not even in the class room. Therefore the students are standing all over the classroom talking and laughing. Thank you LORD really.

One of my classmates, Arnold, was digging through the teacher's desk.

I was walking towards my seat, when my best friend Mandy caught sight of me and waved.

"What's happening Manders?" I ask while using my nickname for her, that she hates.

She rolls her eyes "Nothing much, just listening to Trophies."

Ohhh I LOVE THAT SONG!! "Let me hear!"

Mandy hands me one of her headphones, and we listen to my jam. "And they don't have no award for that" we sing in unison.

"Well...well...well if it isn't the wanna be Drakes." a deep voice comments. "Goodbye Cory." Mandy says.

I just laugh. Cory is my best guy friend, and he doesn't like the fact Mandy and I listen to hip-hop. He says it's his "thing".

I was into the song then I hear their bickering.

"I'm just saying Mandy, if you bob your head one more time the building will collapse." Cory states matter a factly. "Shut up you jerk!"

Mandy shouts as she lunges for Cory. He just catches her hand and kisses it like the creep he is.

"Ewwwwwwwwww, DON'T EVER KISS MY HAND AGAIN!" Mandy is outraged while Cory just laughs. "What if I have herpes?" Mandy stands up to go wash her hands.

I, in the meantime am dying of laughter and can't seem to get myself together. I high five Cory and we talk until Mandy comes back. Then I act like I'm mad at him.

"Yeah Cory that was immature, you could have gave Manders a panic attack!" I say in my "stern" voice while Cory struggles not to laugh and tries to look embarrassed.

Mandy gives us an unimpressed look. "Save it, I saw you laughing through there" she points at the window on the door. Stupid door windows! Why do doors need windows anyway.

Cory puts his arm around Mandy and she just shrugs it off. "Do you really think I have herpes Mandy?"

"Yes" she states unapologetically.

"Well I don't" he says like he's offended.

Mandy mutters a barely audible "mhmmm" and returns to her music.

Me and Cory talk about any and everything. After all that time, the teacher finally comes in.

Everybody ran back to their seats. "Hi everyone. I am so sorry I'm late" I chuckled internally late was an understatement. "My wife had our baby boy last night, and I got caught up at the hospital." Awww I had empathy for the man. When my mom had my several brothers and sisters there were plenty of times I was late for things. Boy, I tell you nothing beats those babies though.

Our teacher finished his explanation in just enough time to thrust worksheets at us. The bell rang, and Cory, Mandy, and I headed out.

We talked for a while an then we split our separate ways. I headed to my second period class. It was not nearly as eventful as first period, neither were the periods to follow.

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