"Hey Soph!"

"Oh Hi Bella! Where were you during lunch?"

"I owed Mr. Ainsworth a lunch. So, we went there." We walked together towards the reception. She sat on her chair while I stood leaning at the desk.

"There is something going on between you two, isn't it?" She asked, looking at me suspiciously.

"Shut up! It was just a lunch. And that too because I owed it to him."

"Ohhhh. And you are blushing because?"

"I'm not!" I kept my hands on my cheeks.

Well, they actually feel hot.

Before I could reply in defence, the doors of the elevator opened, revealing Mr. Ainsworth as he ran a hand through his hair.

You could say that's hot.

"Stop drooling!" Sophie whisper yelled.

"I'm not!" I whispered back, straighting up.

"Isabella." Mr. Ainsworth's voice emerged behind me, giving me goosebumps.

"Y-Yes." I managed to squeak out, not turning around yet.

"Meet me in my office now."

"Yes, Mr. Ainsworth."

I heard the sound of his big steps going into his office and I finally let out a breath I did not know I had been holding.

"So you're gonna do some filthy things in his office?" She asked, smirking.

"Eww Soph No! It's just something work related." I said and walked to the office with quick steps.

"May I-"

"Get in." He said in an impatient voice. "Look, we have an urgent conference call so get ready the files of Steele. Make it quick."

I followed his instructions, fully aware of his seriousness.

"Done." I walked to him with the files.

"Good. Now listen, get ready with your pen and notepad and write down the notes carefully."

I nodded and went to quickly get them from my office.

"Come." He said and we walked to the elevator together.

"Is it something serious?" My stupid mouth couldn't keep itself shut as he pressed the button; with his fist, that is.

"It's Steele. He had agreed to all the designs so easily that day. But now he says that he isn't satisfied. The list got him probably."

The what?

Mr. Ainsworth ran a hand through hair and a strand fell on his forehead. The doors opened and we started walking out together, making our bodies bump against each other.

"Sorry." I mumbled and let him go first. He impatiently walked out, not even stopping for me. I tried to walk along with him which wasn't possible because of his long strides.

We reached what I assumed was the conference room. Inside, the designer guy was sitting on the oak desk, turning pages of designs of clothing while another guy adjusted the screen.

"Connect." Mr. Ainsworth ordered and we sat down. The guy typed stuff up and finally the screen showed Mr. Steele sitting with the two familiar guys.

"Mr. Steele." Mr. Ainsworth acknowledged, nodding.

"Ainsworth." He nodded back.

"So what exactly is the problem with the designs?" He spoke softly, yet the frustration was evident in his voice, making him hotter.

Concentrate, Isabella.

"These designs. They don't match our preferences. We are looking for better."

"Let us make it better than, shall we?"

Mr. Ainsworth was clutching the table tightly with one hand, as he waved at the designer for the designs. And for the next forty to fifty minutes, they discussed about changes in designs and I made the notes. Steele was literally changing all the designs, add sequins here, change this into a Chinese collar, add some cuffs etcetera. The environment felt tense as if everyone hoped Mr. Ainsworth to not get pissed off and yell.

Now, only one blouse is left, it looks pretty good, I'd wear it. But the only thing missing is a slit sleeve. Really, it would look wonderful with a slit sleeve.

"Finally, what's wrong with this one." Mr. Ainsworth asked with gritted teeth.

"The sleeves Ainsworth. It's like they lack something." Steele replied, running his hands together.

"And what do you want me to do now?"

"I'm the one investing here, you see. You should be making the changes."

Speak up Isabella, you are just trying to help.

"A slit sleeve could help." My voice echoed in the room as everyone turned their heads in my direction.

"Brilliant." Steve grinned, "You've got an intelligent P.A. there Ainsworth. Beauty with brains." He added, winking at me.

"Alright then, we'll get the designs ready." Mr. Ainsworth pressed a button, making the screen go black.

"You are dismissed. I'll check those designs tomorrow." Mr. Ainsworth said. The designer scrambled for the pages and left the room with the other guy. I too got up, picking up my pens and notepad.

"Not you Sweetness. Sit down."


Author's Note :

So how's it goin'? Sorry for the short and boring chapter. But we've got better things planned ahead.😏

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