"I will tell you. Just calm down," N'Kongpop repeats.

"What are you hiding from me?" Arthit grouses as he sits back down.

"I am not hiding anything," N'Kongpop mutters, "I just wanted to tell you in person."

"Well," Arthit goads when his boyfriend stops. "You are here in person, so tell me now."

"Someone threw pink milk all over me," N'Kongpop complies.

"Pink milk?" Arthit questions looking at his boyfriend as he stands back up.

"Him? Or her?" He asks very calmly. I look at the others. I think all of us are missing something. Him or her? Who is he talking about?

"HIM? OR HER?" Arthit demands, making his boyfriend jump.

"Her," N'Kongpop says quietly.

Arthit grabs his drink off the table and stalks off, muttering to himself.

"Nong," Knott says, watching Arthit walk away, "You better follow him." N'Kongpop, who was already getting up, nods at him and runs after Arthit.

"Who is her?" I ask the table.

"If I had to guess," Knott sighs, "I would say Namtam."

"Don't tell me she is back?" Tutah grumbles. "Why doesn't she leave him alone? She has a boyfriend."

"Who is Namtam?" N'Oak asks.

"A better question would be, how did she know N'Kongpop is dating Ai'Arthit?" Bright offers as he looks where Arthit went.

"Yeah," I agree, "I think we should follow them." All of us stand up and run after them. Leaving P'Dear alone at the table yelling after us to don't do anything stupid.

"Who is Namtam?" I hear N'Oak ask again.

"Later, nong," Tutah barks.

Arthit's POV

Throw pink milk on my boyfriend? What the hell? Where is she? Screw friendship. We are done.

"P'Arthit, it is ok," Kong says as he tries to stop me.

"It is not ok," I tell him. "It was uncalled for is what it is."

"She was just upset," Kong defends, "I was rude to them.

I stop and stare at my boyfriend. Why is he trying to protect her? They were rude first. They don't deserve to be defended!

Pulling out my phone, I go to call Namtam. Will she even pick up? She has got to know that by now, I know what she has done and won't pick up. How do I find out where she is?

"P'?" Kong calls. I look up and see that my friends have followed us. Tutah!

"Ai'Tutah, how do I find her?" I ask, "I know she won't answer a message or a call."

"Do you follow her on anything?" Tutah questions, holding a hand out for my phone.

"Only IG and Facebook," I reply, handing over my phone.

"Let's see if she posted anything," Tutah grins.

"P'Tutah, why are you helping him?" Kong whines, "It was only pink milk. I survived."

"Not the point, nong," Knott mutters as he looms over Tutah's shoulder.

"She has bothered you for one day," Prem grumbles, looking over the other shoulder, "She has annoyed us for years."

"Yep," Bright growls, "If I can have a day of reckoning, so can she."

I smile, watching my friends, and notice Kong trying to get his friends to help him stop them. But even they are trying to squeeze in to see my phone.

"Try IG," N'Oak puts in. "Do you have notifications on or off, P'Arthit?"

"Off," I answer.

"Oh, she posted five minutes ago," Tutah says, "Does anybody recognize this booth? It looks like some kind of cosplay cafe."

"I do," N'Aim grins, "I was there before my time in the booth with May. It is the IC booth."

"Which way?" I ask.

"It is over that way," N'Aim points, "It is not too far."

"P'," Kong grabs my arm, "Just let it go."

"Like hell, I will," I growl. Now it is time to find Namtam.

Working our way through the crowd was a pain in the ass. Not that I expected the crowd to part for us, but seriously get the hell out of my way. I am on a mission.

I can see the booth and begin looking at the tables to see if she is still there.

"There," N'Aim shouts. I look to where he is pointing, and sure enough, there she sits with Jay.

"Kong," I turn and look at him. "Was Jay with her?" I see Kong fidgeting. "KONG!"

"Yes," Kong sighs.

"I need another drink," I tell my friends, and Bright hands me his with a grin.

"Thanks," I grin back.

"P'Prem," N'Wad tugs on his boyfriend's sleeve, "Is he really going to dump drinks on them?"

"Yep!" Prem laughs. "She deserves it. Trust me."

Walking into the booth, I let Tutah and Bright run interference with the workers and head straight for Jay and Namtam.

"Oon!" Namtam gasps and pales when she sees Kong beside me.

"Don't call him that," Kong growls.

"Arthit," Jay starts to stand, and I throw Bright's drink in his face. "What the hell, Arthit!?!"

"That is for me," I snarl. "For all the shit you have put me through!"

"Oon! What are you doing?" Namtam shrieks as she is grabbing napkins to hand to Jay.

I walk over to her and turn my drink upside down over her head. Smiling as I watch the pink milk pour all over her. I am thrilled I gave in today and ordered it.

"MY NAME IS ARTHIT! And that is for Kongpop," I growl. Leaning down, I look her in the eye. "Did you think I would leave you out?"

"Oo-Arthit," Namtam sputters.

"You should have stopped while you were ahead, Namtam," I snap, "Did you really think I would let you do that to him and let it slide? After everything you two have done? You thought I would just ignore you attacking my boyfriend."

Once again, there is a collective gasp from the onlookers. Shit! Twice. I have done that twice today. I glance to my right and see my boyfriend trying to hide a goofy-ass grin.

"You don't care how other people see you?" Jay taunts.

"See me? SEE ME?!?" I yell. "No, I guess I don't! So what does that tell you?"

Jay looks at me, trying to decide what to say next.

"Let's call this good," I sneer, "You get Namtam, and I get Kongpop. You know who is yours, and I know who is mine. So make sure yours doesn't mess with mine again."

I grab Kong's hand and walk out of the booth. We get a few rows over from the booth when Kong stops walking making me stop. Turning, I see all of my friends smiling and laughing. Looking at my boyfriend, I see that he, too, is smiling from ear to ear.

"Damn, that was satisfying," Bright giggles like a maniac. "I wish I had fvcking recorded it!"

"Oh, it was recorded," Tutah laughs, holding out his phone, "Look."

"This is going to go viral," N'Wad snorts, looking at it. "Good job, P'. That makes twice in one day."

"Twice in one day?" I question.

"You haven't seen the one from the booth?" N'Oak asks, pulling out his phone.

Oh, hell. What have I done? Again!

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This marks my third month of writing this story that I picked up on a whim. I have written a chapter once a day for three months. That is insane.

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#SOTUS Continued: Book One A PremWad TaleWhere stories live. Discover now