"Hey, that's my line," Arthit jokes as I glare at Bright.

"He is just saying what we were all thinking," I state. Bright narrows his eyes at me before he puts his head back down.

"So what did they do?" Knott asks. I want to know too, but I wasn't going to ask after Wad's little comment.

"Some asked to get back together. Some gave P'Bright their new phone numbers," N'Aim lists. It doesn't sound too bad. "Several slapped him. A few of them brought their new boyfriends to threaten him. A couple threw articles of clothing at him. I tried not to see what. One dumped a whole box of things on his head. I think that is all."

"You forgot the two that threw water on me," Bright mutters.

Damn! It was bad. I exchange looks with my friends and can see they are all just as shocked.

"Do you think they spammed the survey just to get me in the stupid booth?" Bright asks, looking up at us.

"It was only open to our department," Knott answers, "And you had to verify your class and code. Plus, you were only allowed one chance to vote. So I don't think so."

"When do you have to be in there again?" Arthit asks.

"Thursday," Bright sighs. "I have two days to come down with a life-threatening illness."

N'Aim smacks him on the back of the head, and all of us freeze. Even Bright and the nong freeze looking at each other.

"Umm," N'Aim stammers, "Sorry, P'Bright."

"What the hell, nong?" Bright shouts as all of us try hard not to laugh. I can't believe his nong cuffed him in the head.

"Just don't say stuff like that," N'Aim huffs.

"It was a joke," Bright snarks. "You know, funny. Haha. Sheesh. When did you lose your sense of humor?"

"Who has lost their sense of humor?" P'Dear says, walking up.

"N'Aim. Why are you here?" Tutah asks, moving over so P'Dear can join us.

"The booth committee has to meet," P'Dear says after he sits down.

"We weren't informed," Knott states, looking at his phone. "I didn't get an email."

"Only the Fourth Years were called," P'Dear explains. "Seems like we have to set rules for people who enter the booth."

"Really?" Bright chimes in, looking excited. "Can I give suggestions?"

"I doubt they will prescreen people in your line to see if they dated you," I joke.

"You never know," Bright pouts. "Did you get called in because of what happened to me?"

"You and N'Kongpop," P'Dear answers.

"Kongpop?" Arthit asks, "What happened to Kongpop?" P'Dear looks at everyone at the table.

"You guys don't know?" P'Dear looks at us in shock. "Didn't he tell you, N'Arthit? Where is he?"

"He went to the dorm to take a shower," Arthit offers, "He wouldn't tell me why. So what happened, P'Dear?"

"I don't know...," P'Dear gets cut off when Arthit stands and slams his hands on the table.

"What happened?!?" Arthit shouts.

"It was nothing, P'Arthit," N'Kongpop says, running up to stop Arthit.

"Nothing?" Arthit scoffs, "They are calling a damn meeting. That doesn't sound like nothing to me."

"Calm down," N'Kongpop tells him. I can't remember those words ever working on our friend.

#SOTUS Continued: Book One A PremWad TaleWhere stories live. Discover now