Sora frowned at his tone, crossing her arms across her chest in a defying, stubborn manner. "Frankly, no, it's not. And the fuck's an Occult Triangle? How am I supposed to know you're not tricking me and planning some sort of evil scheme?"

X Drake's eyebrow twitched at her vulgar choice of words and mannerisms. Obnoxious and likes to run her mouth as always. 

"It's similar to the famous Florian Triangle in the first half of the Grand Line," he elaborated, taking steps towards the brunette. "you saw something when you first entered the mist, didn't you?"

Sora's brows rose upwards as her hand went back to Kaze's hilt while her other one raised a palm facing the man, a gesture for the term 'STOP!'. 

"Woah, woah, woah," Sora started, narrowing her eyes dangerously. "Don't come near me, stalker. You can explain right where you are."

When X Drake stopped in his tracks, Sora mentally heaved a relieved sigh. Can't be too cautious.

It was then she realized his words. 

"Wait," Sora slowly lowered her hand. "Similar to the Florian Triangle?" She also recalled how the man mentioned that she 'saw something' when they entered the mist earlier. 

If her memory was right, the Florian Triangle was where the Thriller Bark was located. Now that she thought about it, both names and areas did bore some semblances to each other. The mist, the eerie atmosphere ---

But the Florian Triangle doesn't show people fake mirages of their own dead step-sister.

Sora bit her lip and frowned at the thought, something that didn't go unnoticed by the pirate.

Drake nodded in affirmation. "Correct. What you saw were hallucinations caused by the Seducing Mist. I don't know anything more except the fact that when a conscious person inhales it, it messes their thoughts and triggers a memory within them, enabling them to see hallucinations of important people in their lives."

"People mostly just fall overboard and drown," he added. "the lucky ones manage to wash themselves ashore around here."

Sora let her mind process the new information. If this so-called magical mist makes people hallucinate... where was Law? 

The hairs on her skin stood up. If the surgeon was part of those percentage that fell overboard after hallucinating --- wait, how much time had passed by since they were together onboard?

Sora willed herself to calm down. No use panicking. First things first, she needed to use her Observation haki to sense Law's presence. 

You've gotta be around here, Sora thought to herself, evening her breathing. I'm sure you've shared some of my good luck, surgeon. Not the bad one, hopefully..

When she felt nothing for a while, Sora closed her eyes and strained her haki even further. Being a descendant of the Chihaki clan had its perks --- one being that she had more stamina and overall energy when using it. Of course, it didn't mean that her stamina in using haki was completely infinite, but it was better than ordinary haki users, at least. 

X Drake raised an uninterested brow at her. What the girl was doing, he didn't know. And frankly, he didn't care. Not that he was a complete asshole, probably only like 80% of an asshole since he had some of his humanity left, but he could care less about the drama between this brunette and his 'benefactor'. 

I just want to get off this island, already, Drake thought with mental tired sigh. 

Meanwhile, Sora almost let out a loud sigh of relief. Sweat from perspiration trickled down her temple, but she gave them no heed as her eyes fluttered open, a wide smile on her lips. Law was okay. He was alive. She felt his presence. 

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