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HOW HAD EVERYONE BEEN? I've been great (sorta).

I just wanted to let you know...I recently came out with another book :) 

And no it's not a sequel to WHEN I'M WITH YOU :'(  (should I do one?)

I'll leave the details below just in case you're interested ;) 

I'll leave the details below just in case you're interested ;) 

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.


Naya Adams just wanted to carry on with her normal, nerdy life. Even after her Mum gets a job which required her too move to South America for 3 months, leaving Naya by herself. Last year of high school didn't mean things had to change in her life.

Lucifer Landford - Known for his amazing sporting skills and handsomely good looks - is the most popular guy in school. But after his mother's death, Lucifer starts to have a difficult lifestyle with his selfish father.

When Naya starts working at the diner down the street from school, Lucifer can't seem to help but go there every once and a while. Slowly, a relationship is developed between them but will it be strong enough too last?




They're all apart of Highschool Life....Right?

When I'm With You (REWRITING)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat