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Anthea's P.O.V 

Everyone was asleep on the couch while I watched Red Riding Hood on a lowed volume, half asleep also. I heard a slight knock on the front door and get suspicious. I look at my phone - 3 am. Who the hell would be at the door at 3 am? I grab the baseball bat from the corner and go to open the door. 

I open the door and swing my bat, hoping it would hit the person standing on the other side of the door. The tall figure ducks down and was about to tackle me but stopped when I scream 

"Holy shit! Anthea? Are you okay? Why do you have a baseball bat?" Jay stood there in a panicked stance. He was wearing skinny black jeans and a black shirt, making me feel uncomfortable for him. Who wearing causal clothes at this time? 

"Jay, it's 3 in the morning for all I know you could be a clown."His face softens and he chuckles.  "What are you doing here anyway?" 

"I came by to see if you guys bought milk? I asked Dee before you guys left for lunch." He says as I move out the way so he can come in.

Thank god it was dark. He would have noticed how beet red I am. "Yeah, we did buy milk. It's in the fridge." He walks to the kitchen and I go towards the stairs. 

"Oh and Jay?" He turns around facing me. "Lock the door when you leave, ok? Goodnight." I yawn tiredly and smile. 

As I walk up, I hear him mumble "Goodnight," 


Dee's P.O.V 


It was a cold afternoon as I was walked down home from school. The urge wind was whispering in my ears, only giving me a closer chance of becoming sick. I check my phone and panic. It was already 4 pm.  

I increase my walking speed so people don't throw weird looks at me for trying to get home quicker. Once I enter the warm home, I instantly become as quiet as I possibly could. One loud noise and I'll be caught for coming home late again this week. 

I've been starting at the school library for longer hours recently because of the intensity of homework which was given daily.  That is ONE reason why I was coming home late again. 

The floorboard creaks, making me freeze and stop breathing. That was loud enough to wake him up.

"DEE!" I jump, making me drop my bag to the floor and knock over a glass vase - My mother's favourite vase.  I tried to reach out to it before it hit the ground but I was to slow. It crashes, making pieces of glass spread across the floor. 

Everything became silent and I realise how much I messed up. I saw him enter the hallway. 

He looks over at me, clenching his jaw and small creases dented into his forehead. "You know...Every day I think you'll be useful and actually listen to what I say but NO. YOU'RE JUST A USELESS SELFISH BITCH THAT'S SO FUCKING DUMB. HOW DO YOU KNOCK A FUCKING VASE OVER BY WALKING?" He screams coming close to my face.  

I  shudder, inhaling the alcohol and smoke lingering on him 

"I-i-'m- sorry dad. You j-just sc-ream and s-scared me." I stutter, chocking on my words as tears threatened to fall. The look on my face didn't seem to amuse him at all.

My head turned by a sudden force upon my right cheek, making it tingle.

"You're good for nothing," He spits in pure venom.  

When I'm With You (REWRITING)Where stories live. Discover now