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Janyce's P.O.V

"Dee! Did you book the return flight ticket?!" I scream from the living room 

"Yeah! Just give me a minute to print them out!" She screams back from her room.

The trip was planned late, so we could only get one-way tickets to Las Vagas because everything was booked out.  

Anthea comes from the kitchen. "I can't wait until we get to LA," She starts doing a little dance, making my laugh and join her. We stop once we see Dee come out from the bedroom hallway with three sheets of paper in her hand. She was scanning them intensely.

"Cm'on, my beauties. We have a big day tomorrow." She says looking all over the house. I knew she was going like this house a lot. I'm starting to think we should come down here often. The beach house is hardly used by my family members. 

I smile at her and then at Anthea. "How did I get so lucky with who's two?" I pout.


Dee's P.O.V

"How much longer till they call our stupid flight!" Anthea winces, with her head on Janyce's shoulder. People also began looking around impatiently, looking down and their phones or watches, while they bounce their knees.

"Flight 473 Las Vegas to Los Angeles is now boarding." The announcer finally announces, making people rush to get into line.

We board the plane and sit down in our sits. I get a text from an unknown number. 



I frown down at my phone as we settle down in our seats. 


Do I know you? 


Let me rephrase my words; Hey

I instantly smile knowing exactly who it was. "Ma'am please put your phone away, we're about to take off." The flight attendant abruptly speaks, startling me. I mumble an apology and wait for her to walk away. 


Kaz? How'd you get my number?

Kaz :)

Jay gave it to me. You girls on your way back? 

I chuckle and his awareness. I never really got the vibe that Kaz would want to know where I was and if I was okay.   


Yep! I'll see you in LA. 

I put my phone away with a small frown on my face. I don't know how I'm going to tell them that I'm going to Sydney right after this plane lands. 

"Guy-" I look over and notice both of my best friends knocked out on each others head. They could fall asleep anywhere. A car ride. On the living room floor. On the kitchen table. You name it.

 put my head on Janyce's shoulder like what Anthea was doing and close my eyes. 


"Get the fuck up, Dee." Janyce whisper-screams in my ears. 

I shot my eyes open, confused. "Really? I swear I just closed my eyes" 

"No, but seriously get up. We're back home!" Janyce quietly squeals.  

When I'm With You (REWRITING)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum