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Kaz's P.O.V

"Shhhhhh, Shut the fuck up Freddie. You're going to wake them up!" I hear someone whisper. 

I open my eyes and see Dee sleeping peacefully with her back facing me. Did she get taller or Bigger? He shoulders were much broadened and she seemed way tense than usual. 

She looks great I guess? 

I rub my face with my hands and shift my self so I could look up at the ceiling. I look up and see Dee's smiling down at me. "RISE AND SHINE HANDSOME!" She screams in my face. 

My eyes widen and I jump out of bed realising that I wasn't in bed with Dee. 

"What babe? Do not find me beautiful?" I see Jay casually turn around, still laying down, with a wig on placed on his head.  

"You son of a bitch!" I run after him, making him grunt and jump out of Dee's bed. We run around the room, me trying to catch Jay, who was scared to get tackled by me. 

Everyone was laughing but only one person laugh stood out. 


It was so angelic, it could bring a smile to anyone's face.  

I tackle Jay to the floor and we both land on the floor with a thump. A crash follows after m making everyone go silent. I look beside my and I see broken glass spread out on the floor everywhere. Jay and I raise to our feet, stepping away from the glass as it could injury us. 

Dee walks past me, trying to get to whatever just broke but I grabbed her arm since there was glass everywhere. She yanks her arm out of my grip, making me grunt a little and proceeds to walk over the broken glass. 

The room is filled with the sound oh glass being crushed as Dee walks over to the glass-like item. She sniffles a little, looking down at it for a moment before picking it up. 

My lips go thin as I realise the thing we broken was a figure of a princess from Disneyland.  "Um, Anthea? Can you get the dustpan? I need to clean the glass up before someone gets hurt." Her voice was quiet, but it was loud enough for me to hear the sadness flow out. 

"Fuck, Dee. I'm so sorry! Is there anything you want us to do?" Jay spills out a really quick apology. 

She shakes her head and smiles at him. "It's okay, accidents happen." She chuckles slightly.

Anthea walks in with the dustpan and Jay immediately snatches it off her. He bends down and begins to clean the glass. The clashing of the glass makes me cringe inside.

"God no! You guys go have breakfast. You must be starving!" She snatches the brush out of Jay's hands. 


"No buts! Go!" She points to the door, still with a small smile plastered on her face. She bends down and starts cleaning carefully, picking up a big piece and placing it on the pan. I just stood there while everyone walked out quietly. 

She puts the broken glass in the bin and it crashes down, making me feel extremely guilty. "Dee?"

She tucks a piece of her hair behind her ear as she places the dustpan down next to the bin. "You should go and eat Kaz." She walks past me like nothing happened. 

I was about to grab her but I didn't. 

She probably needs space. 


Dee's P.O.V

I'm not mad nor upset. It was a memory. 

My father gifted it to me on my 6th birthday. It was the last gift the ever got me. 

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