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Dee's P.O.V

I shot my eyes open, after feeling dead for eternity. 

I squint my eyes, expecting bright light to blind me but it was dark. My eyes pan around the odd room, and I realise I wasn't sleeping in my own bedroom.

I lift my hips up, try to get up but I feel a familiar weight on my hips, keeping me in place. My eyes shift to the tattooed covered arms that are around my waist.  

"Of course, it had to be Kaz..." I whisper to myself as I watch him snore slightly. 

I quietly hiss, feeling pain shoot through my temples. My fingers make its way to my head, making me flinch at the unusual material wrapped around my head. My face scrunched as I lightly press on the bandage. 

The small vision in the back of mind pops up into my head making me remember small bits of moments before I passed out. 

Jay threw a fucking plate at me while he was raging over a tiny heartbreak. 

I feel Kaz's grip lighten, giving me the chance to remove myself from his grip. Taking his arm off my hips was a struggle, after all, he weighs like a tonne of metal while I'm the feather of a chicken wing. 

My feet touch the wooden floorboard creating a small creak. I tiptoe to the bathroom, trying to make minimum sound. I don't know if Kaz is a heavy sleeper or not, and I really don't want to wake him up. 

The mirror reflected my horrible mess of an appearance. The plate caused injury wasn't that bad, just a bandage wrapped around my head. I check my fingers and hands for any cuts, just in case I accidentally cut myself from all the glass that was already shattered on the floor. 

I come out, switching the bathroom light off and check the time on the nightstand.  "3:54 am," I sigh. 

I go downstairs and notice the familiar surrounding. I was still at Jay's place, which means I didn't pass out for too long. 

I look over at the front door, contemplating whether or not I should walk over to my place. It's as if something was listening to me, because the sudden force cold air that shot out from the tiny space from under the door, made me shiver. I guess staying here till morning wasn't so bad. 

I walk into the now, overly cleaned kitchen, not seeing a single piece of ceramic insight. I look around silently for the cupboard which Jay places his glass cups in. 

"Bingo," I whisper to myself as I open the cupboard I was looking for. I grab the nearest glass cup from the cupboard and fill it with water. I never get thirsty during the night time, but passing out means you get on the water in your system for a long time. 

I take small sips from the glass as I walk and sit on the couch. 

I stare out the huge window which was exposing the inside of the house to the backyard. 


"Daddy?" I call out from the hallway. 

"Yes....princess?" He pops his head out from the study room, making me walk towards him. 

My eyes begin to blur and I felt my tummy twist. "I..........miss mummy," I say tearing up. 

He looks at me with concern and picks me up. "Hey, baby. It's ok. You still have me. I promise I'll keep you safe now." He cuddles me into his large, warm chest. 

I sob uncontrollably while he rubs my back, whispering comforting words to make me calm down. I notice the red ink on his arm again. "Daddy?" I remove my head from his chest. 

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