Chapter 50

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Dee's P.O.V 

I stare at myself in the mirror. Was I doing the right thing? 

My make up was done by Anthea and hair by Janyce. Right now they are behind me, chatting and squealing away. "-tell you guys something," Layla's voice snatched my attention from my small la la land. 

Layla's gaze stops at me and gets up from the chair. She smiles softly and cresses my check. "I'm was supposed to tell Landon this earlier but decided to keep it until after the wedding," There was silence upon all us and I frown, "tell Landon what?"

"I'm pregnant. girly's" she squeals. Our mouth drops and eyes widen. Layla grabs my hand and squeezes them. "We're in this together, Dee" I break out into a grin and hug her tightly. "Oh Layla, I'm so lucky. You're going to be my sister in law in munis 4 hours," 

Anthea and Janyce clap their hands and wipe fake tears. "Chop chop, girls. We have a wedding to attend. 


I stand there with a wide smile on my face as the priest says his last words...

"I pronounce you, husband and wife. You may kiss the bride," Landon grabs Layla by the waist and kisses her. Everyone erupts into louder cheers, squeals and 'congrats'.

As everyone follows them out the church I stay back. I sit on the closest chair and stare at the cross. 

Suddenly, an angelic laughter rings my ears. Instantly knowing who it was I turn back in surprise but frown when no one stood there. My mind was playing tricks with me. Why in the world would my mother look down at me? She would have felt betrayed and outraged. Ever since I met Kaz, things went downhill. My life was fine before him. The girls were there for me any day, any time.

"I can't wait until I see you walk down the aisle," I turn back and give Kaz a small smile. "The crowds are almost gone so we best be on our way too." he holds his hand out for me but I refuse. "just a couple more minutes, Kaz" I whisper as I bow my head down. He sits next to me and places my head against his shoulder.

"My mother always used to sing me this song, but ever since she passed away in the accident - I'd forgotten it," he says as he stares at a statue of Mary. "Her name was Mary, so ever since she had passed away, I had completely isolated myself. Instead of going to church, I would go work with my dad. He was an awfully cruel man, Princess," Even the way he said it made me shiver. 

"I'm so glad your Dad's gang killed him. That was the only reason I respected your dad. Once the gang was under my control, things went well. Trade went up and the boys and I completed the mission that the Black Kings have been trying to complete since Day 1," 

I look up at him. "What was it?" 

"To be top of all and every gang in the world," he frowns down at me. "I thought maybe, just maybe if I had accomplished that mission, I would feel some type of relief or comfort. Yet, I never did." He paused for a moment and smiled.

"Not until I met you, Dee,"


I place down the final bowl of snacks on the outside counter. Kaz and I decided to throw a small congratulation party for Landon and Layla for the upcoming baby. I smile, as I recall the moment Layla told Landon about their baby. 

"Uhhh, Babe?!" Kaz shouts from the kitchen. "Yea!?" I shout back. "Where's the Mustard?!" I roll my eyes. Huffing in annoyance, I walk to the kitchen. I push him aside and search the kitchen fridge for the American mustard. 

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