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Dee's P.O.V

"I can't find my fucking phone anywhere! Help me!" Anthea screams as she trashes the living room. 

Don't worry. That's not the only thing she's trashed so far. 

She started 2 hours ago, from the bedrooms to the bathrooms, to the closets. 

"Dee! Don't just stand there! This is an emergency!" Anthea pushes me out of her way, causing me to fall back into the base of the couch.  

"Anthea, why don't you just call it?" Janyce rolls her eyes as she concentrates on the sandwich she's eating. Anthea whips her head to her and physically facepalms herself. 

"Why didn't you tell me that 2 hours ago?" She rushes to taking my phone out of my hand. 

I roll my eyes too and snatch it back. "I did but you didn't hear me because you were going all side-kick manic," I tell her as I press on her Caller ID. 

"Fuck, I can't hear it," Anthea mumbles 

"Well, no shit sweetheart." I look up. "I'm going up to check if its there," I say as I look at Anthea who was now on the ground, looking around like a tiger getting ready to attack its prey. 

Janyce chuckles and sitting down on the 'now' disorganized couch, making a loud thump noise.

I walk up the stairs and hear Anthea's phone coming from the attic. I groan at the thought that she must have left it up there when we there yesterday. 

I walk up the attic stairs and spot Anthea's phone on the couch. My stance becomes unstable as I step on something unleveled, almost making me trip. I look down and see one of the albums from yesterday.

I bend down and pick up the open book. I was about to close it but something catches my eye. 

It was a picture of My mother, father, and a little boy at Disneyland. They were all smiling in the photo. 

I frown. Who's the little boy? I read the description under the picture quietly. 

"1994 - happy 2nd birthday to our handsome baby boy!!" 

My eyes widen and the book falls out of my hand making a loud 'thunk'. 

My hands start shaking and chills slowly ran done my spine. 

I look down and read the front of the book. "T-thomas" I stutter as my voice shakes and my vision becomes blurry.  My hand grabs onto the book and I sit myself down on the couch, starting to feel lightheaded 

I open the book to the first page.

My mother in a hospital bed with a newborn child and my father dawning down at them with the widest smile. "1992 - welcome to our world Thomas Anderson Gomez"

The next page

My father in bed with the baby in his arm. 


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