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Kaz's P.O.V

"So what's the plan for today exactly?" I say to everyone, as I fix my bullet wound. I was able to remove it by myself and stitch it. Call me tough but I've done it before, which is why I'm used to the pain.  

It's been a few days since we got Dee back. It was one of the best days of my life. Everything just seemed better all of a sudden. 

"Who wants to go, Go-karting?" Dee jumps up and down on the couch, excited by her own plan.  Excitement lit through everyone's eyes. 

"Go Karting it is then," I smile at Dee as she squeals and runs to her room with the girls following her. 

I look at the boy's who are smirking at me. "Hey, Freddie. I've never since Kaz smile so brightly before." Jay says as if I wasn't there. Freddie chuckles and shakes his head at Jay's childish behaviour. 

"Cmon Cmon Cmon snails, we have somewhere to be!" Janyce screams making the house shake. 

Freddie laughs getting off the couch and catching up to her. "You idiots! Everyone is already outside," Anthea shouts from the front of the house. 

Jay gets up and I follow him down the hall and out to the cars. I see Jay and Anthea get into one car and Freddie and Janyce in another. 

"Wait, hold on!" I take a step forward to say something but Dee beat me to it. 

"Why are you guys going to different cars?" She tilts her head, confused. I nod, agreeing with what she said and looked back at them. 

"We going to different places after the Go Karting so," Freddie smiles at Janyce. 

I would have cringed at the way he looks at her but I didn't....Surprising. 

Dee makes an 'O' face and then turns to me. "Guess it's just you and me? Unless you want to take separate cars?"

My eye's quickly widened and I shake my head. "We'll take one car. I'll take you somewhere after too, ok?" I smile down at her and watch as she nervously fiddles with her shirt. 

 Why is she so damn adorable? 

Adorable. That's a new word in my vocabulary list. 

We drive to the Go Karting place at an average speed. Being in the car with Dee wasn't annoying at all. In fact, I would rather stay here than go Go Karting.  

"So you would rather stay home then go out and enjoy the sun?" Dee looks at me in shock. 

I chuckle and nod. "Yep." 

She groans. "Boring, Kaz! Live a little" She rolls her eyes at making me smirk. 

"You want me to live a little?" I laugh light as I step on the gas. 

We zoom past the other two cars that we were following us. "Woah!" Dee grips on to her seatbelt tightly as she experiences the adrenaline rush. 

We arrive first at Go Karting, which wasn't surprising at all. 

Dee gets out of the car and I go to her side. "We have to do that again! That was so much fun!" She jumps up and down as she clasps her hands together.  


Dee's P.O.V

"You dumb bitch! Move!" Janyce screams to Anthea. 

Basically Anthea's cart is blocking the way to the end. "Fuck off. I can't move! What do you want me to do?!" Anthea screams back. 

I'm in the middle of them, too busy laughing my ass off to complain about winning. "Ladies we are going to have to ask you to leave the place. Your language is unacceptable here. There are kids for god's sake!" One guard approaches us, pissed off. 

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