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Dee's P.O.V

I woke up to the smell of something burning. I shoot my eyes open, expecting to be back in the dark all alone and slowly dying, surround my fire. 

I shoot up, frazzled by the thought, only to see that I was very much safe in a sunkissed room.  I jump out of my bed, not caring amount how I looked and what I was wearing. 

The burning smell ran through my nose, scaring me even more. Did someone light the house on fire? I run down in out of my room and to the kitchen in a panic. 

"What the fuck-" I was ready to embrace huge flames, but I didn't. I stopped in my tracks as I watched both of best friends covered in pancake mix, trying to put out the fire on the stove with a damp towel, only making it catch on to it worse. 

I cruse at their morning stupidity and quickly grab a bowl, filling it with water from the kitchen sink. "Move!". I move them aside and splash the water onto the fire, watching the flames die down. I shake my head at the burnt pieces of bacon floating in the pan. 

"We almost died twice this week. It's as if coming to Vegas was for a killing spree." I finally breath out freely fo the first time this morning. 

The girls burst out laughing, while I just shake my head at them in disappointment. They can be so childish sometimes. 

"Woah, What happened in here?" We turn around and see Freddie standing near the kitchen stools, reaching out to grab an apple from the fruit bowl.  

I roll my eyes. "Anthea and your girlfriend were about to burn the house down over bacon," I say as I go back to cleaning. I feel an elbow being nudged into my stomach, making me I yelp in pain. "Hey!" 

Janyce death stares me. "I'm not his girlfriend!" 

Freddie gasps, putting his hand over his heart. "So, does that mean you're playing with my heart?" He sarcastically says. "After all, I've done for you?" 

I chuckle at his humour and watch Janyce turns red "No, that's not what I meant. It's just-  I mean-" Janyce stops talking realizing he was just joking. "God, I hate you guys." 

She whips the cleaning cloth into the sink and speed walks out of the kitchen. "Hey! Wait for me!" Freddie follows behind her, making me smile.   

I eyes retrieve to Jay, who walks into the kitchen while he looked over his shoulder. "What's with them?" He was looking at Janyce and Freddie.

He looks back at Anthea and raises his eyebrow. "Is pancake batter on you?" He looks her up and down, checking her out, while she was literally covered in sticky batter. 

Anthea looks away from him, embarrassed about her appearance. She went back to cleaning the counter but I stopped her, taking the cloth out of her hand. "Go take a shower and clean up," 

"But the kitchen." 

"I can finish it off. There's not much left." I demand her, happily smiling and tilt my head towards Jay. 

Anthea rolls her eyes at Jay as she bumps into him and walks out the kitchen, making him gasp. "Hey, this jacket is new!" He wipes off the sticky substances and walks his way out too. 

I heavily sigh with a huge smile on my face. It was so nice seeing the girls, interacting with guys. Last time anyone of us was in a relationship was back in high school, which really doesn't count. 

"Need help?" I stop wiping the counter again and see Kaz leaning against the wall, next to the fridge, watching me clean from behind. 

"No, it's fine. I'm finishing up anyways." I dismiss him from the kitchen, but of course, he doesn't listen.

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