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Dee's P.O.V

I didn't tell the girls. I wouldn't have bothered. They would have stopped me from going for all reasons that I could think of. 

I only came here for 3 things: To take care of my grandma for 2 weeks cause my Aunty will be on a business trip, meet my jailed up father and....see my mother again.

I look around the Syndey airport, feeling like I was back home again. The people here were just so nice for me, but I think that because I've lived here most of my life.  

"Dee!" I hear someone call my name as I walk out of the departure hallway. I grin as my Aunty Anna came in view. Aunty Anna was my mum's sister. She's treated me like her own so I've considered her as a motherly figure too. 

I speed walk to her excitedly, bringing my suitcase along with me. 

"Aunty Anna!" I crash into her, embracing her tightly. I wasn't able to say goodbye to her in person before leaving for Los Angeles because she was in Japan. 

"Look at you! You are your mother's duplicate, darling," She kept a huge smile on her face, eyeing me up and down.  I give her a small smile, trying not to tear up, thinking about her. 

We spoke nonstop during the car ride home. Catching up was so essential for her because she loves her gossip. 

 "So you leave tomorrow? Right?" I ask. 

"Correct." She says as she removes my bag from her trunk. " I've left a debit card on the counter for essential needs. You know, weekly shopping and all," She says smiling as we walk up the driveway. 

"You didn't have to. I could have just paid for everything myself." I say shaking my head at her in disbelief. 

I walked into the house and the smell of freshly baked goods linger in the air. The house was still looked the same. Modern and small, unlike my house in LA. American houses have always been bigger than Australian houses, which was a pro when it came to moving to America.

I walk my way into the living room, knowing the only person who I'm here for was in there. "Grandma?" I look down at the couch and see all her knitting tools on sprawled over, while the state news was broadcasting on the television.

She looks up at me and immediately jumps up, startling me. She shouldn't be doing that, her legs could've given out at that moment. "Dee! My darling!" She brings me into a crushing hug, making my place me arms back around her fragile body. 

I've missed this. I've missed her. I've missed home. 


The afternoon breeze was calm and steady. There were people out and about, going on her their ordinary lives. Children were playing around at the park and sandpit, while parents chatted away.

"Grandma, when was the last time you came to this park?" I say. 

The girls and I used to come to this park, every day, after primary school. It was like our secret hangout place. 

"I don't remember actually. It was quiet along time," She looks around, giving people who walked by small smiles. She was pretty known around the suburb, considering she's been living here her whole life. 

We sit down on those wooden seats provided by the park, facing the whole park. "Do you have a boyfriend yet?" Grandma asks randomly. She's been nagging me to find someone. I shake my head and blush. She hits my head gently like all grandmother's do when they're disappointed in their grandkid. "Still pushing all the men away?" She exclaims. 

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