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[six: Unhand the tail]

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[six: Unhand the tail]

Dear diary,

There has been an extraordinary turn of events. I've been abducted by my cousins, his girlfriend and her cousin and set adrift in uncharted waters in some ridiculous-looking boat. What's worse is I share quarters with an obnoxious mouse thing. And I thought bunking with my cousin was bad enough. So far, every person I've met in this strange place suffers from the most florid delusions. Chasing green mists and looking for lost lords.I can only assume that this is the result of poor diet.Or they're all just barking mad.

Cousin Edmund is no exception. He spends every spare second that he isn't with his proclaimed wife rubbing that tin sword of his like it's some magic lantern.

Poor fool clearly needs a hobby.

"It's going to be magnificent. Do they come in a smaller size?" Reepicheep asked Edmund and the boy only chuckles whilst Eustace rolls his eyes and goes back to his diary.

Peeving marmot! He's even more deluded than my cousin. In England, we have mouse traps for that sort of thing. He's even more deluded than my cousin.In England, we have mouse trapsfor that sort of thing. 

"Speaking of food, you don't knowwhere I could get any, do you?" Eustace asks a stray seagull that lands by him, his initial instinct to ask due to the fact that he had seen so many creatures talk that he assumed a seagull could too - he guessed wrong.

"Uh, why are you talking to that bird?" Tavros asked, Eustace's eyes darting up as he looked at Tavros with an embarrassed look.

"I just naturally assumed you can..." Eustace starts before he was cut up by Tavros' laughter.

"He's talking to birds!He's mad as a loon,that one."


"Shoo! Go on, get off!" Eustace ushers the birds away with an embarrassed look on his face which Ron catches from the side of the ship and he frowns as he eyes Tavros - it wasn't his fault at all.


It was the middle of the day when Eustace found himself rather hungry, the simple diet of rations not being enough to fill him up after the days of turnip soup back in Cambridge or the occasional sweet (or bag) that he stole from his mother's bag. Eustace slowly retreated to underneath the deck, the steps creaking as he walked down them into the ration storage - keeping an eye out before he ran to get something to eat for himself. Eustace picked up an orange and stuffed it down his shirt when a voice started talking - frightening the boy as he looked around for the voice.

"Are you aware that stealing rationsis a capital offense at sea?" Reepicheep asked, watching as Eustace looked around before he sighed and Eustace turned towards him. "Up here."

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