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[seven: shiny diamond ring]

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[seven: shiny diamond ring]

Hate colors the soul. It spreads throughout the entire system, shutting down all other feelings, and becoming central to the life and the intent of the person. The object of the hatred may or may not be present, but the imagined words and hostile actions against the hated one can dominate at times. One turns his/her attention to other matters, and may for a time be driven in other directions, but then the wave of ill thoughts return with a vengeance. Once again the soul is colored completely, and all the negative energy that one can muster is thrown into the imagined ill will racing wildly around the mind. Hatred becomes a sickness of the mind, and of the heart. For where hatred has claimed possession, there is no room for love. Left unchecked, hate can completely poison the soul.  

Hate was the perfect word to describe what Genevieve was feeling right now towards Susan and Orion, who was still smirking at her from across the room. She wanted to scream, to cry and most of all she wanted the Narnian soils to swallow her up and bury her below ground to never be seen again. Genevieve quickly fled the scene, finding Susan not far down the hall with Peter by her side and Susan gave her a smile that faltered when she saw Genevieve's salty cheeks. She went to advance to her but Genevieve stopped her by raising her hand as she shook her head at her. Susan was the last person she wanted to see right now. Genevieve raised her eyes to Peter who was looking at her with a confused look and Genevieve just looked away. How could they do this to her?

She ran to Edmund's room, hoping and praying that he would understand the situation and that he wouldn't hate her. Genevieve knocked on the door, hearing a swift come in as she braced herself to open the door which she finally did after a few seconds. The sadness flowed through her veins and deadened her mind. It was a poison to her spirit, dulling her killing off her other emotions until it was the only one that remained. It was as if a black mist had settled upon her and refused to shift, and no matter how bright the day was she would feel no sun and hear no bird song. For the world was lost to her and she knew of nothing that would bring it back into focus.

"Genevieve what's wrong?" Edmund immediately asked her, concern written across his face as he went to comfort her but she stopped him before he could, tears threatening to fall.

"We... we can't do this Ed. Whatever this is we can't do it, it's wrong." She willed herself to say, the lies dominating her words as she let a fatal sob out of her, unable to meet his eyes.

"What-what are you saying Gen? Are you mad?" Edmund asked her, placing his arms around his waist hoping to hug her but she just squirmed out of his arms - leaving Edmund hurt to his core.

"We need to end this, whatever this is Ed. Please just trust me on this." She whispered but Edmund just looked at her is disbelief.

"Why? Give me on good explanation as to why you're doing this now? You were perfectly happy this morning and now its almost as if you're a different person." Edmund shouted at the girl, hurt engraved in his eyes as he looked at the girl who looked broken beyond compare.

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