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[ten: runaway]

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[ten: runaway]

There are no words, for there are so many to describe true love. It is intense, passionate and most often, unforgettable. Love is pain that broke your heart yesterday and yet love is joy that picked up the pieces to create a beautiful tomorrow. Love is ephemeral as lifetime ends and yet eternal as it is embodied in memories that build one. There can be no life to be lived, no completion if love seems absent. In a way it is an enigma that will continue to both astound and haunt generations to come as they feel an unthinkable desire to surrender.

Genevieve awoke the next morning with a secure arm around her waist and a familiar scent of gunpowder and cinnamon filling her nostrils as she let a small, genuine smile grace her features as she cuddled into the boy who held her broken heart with a safety pin. She turned her head slightly to look at his sleeping figure as a bigger smile crept to her face as she looked at him.

She never knew six months ago that the relationship they had, which she had thought was completely platonic, would evolve into something so beautiful that words could not describe how they felt in each others presence. She had read about love in library books; the ones that envisioned the idea of butterflies being set in the pit of a girls stomach as the boy swept her off her feet in the most beautiful but upmost cheesy way. She had read about how nothing could ever go wrong with love and that when you find it you'll keep it forever - but Genevieve knew that wasn't the case.

She knew that as soon as she left this room that her relationship with Edmund would have to be strictly platonic once again and she hated the idea of it. She didn't want to go back and forth with Edmunds feelings like this but at this point it was the only way to heal her broken heart. Genevieve stared up at the raven haired boy and softly brushed her hands through his hair as she looked at the soft smile that appeared on his face. She undoubtedly was in love with him, she knew she was because her heart told her so, but she knew there could never be development there because of the deal Susan made with the King of Telmar.

And yet Genevieve no longer hated Susan, she hated herself for allowing it to happen. She had been lying to Narnia since the beginning and only she and Aslan knew it and she regretted never telling them the truth in the first place but now she was in a situation that was entirely her fault. She figured if Susan knew her real reason for being in Narnia then she would never have made that deal with the King of Telmar and Genevieve would be allowed to spend her life with Edmund, to marry him if she so pleased to in the near future.

Genevieve allowed a stray tear to fall from her eyes as she continued to look at the boy she was in love with as she gently cupped the side of his sleeping face as she let a shaky sigh escape her lips. The shaky sigh then turned into uncontrollable sobs as she turned away from the by she loved and buried her head into her pillow.

I'm an idiot, she thought as she turned and buried herself further into her pillow as she felt the arms around her waist tighten and breath on her exposed neck.

safety pin • Edmund Pevensie #Wattys2019 [✔️]Where stories live. Discover now