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[twenty: volunteer]

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[twenty: volunteer]

"Jadis, the Queen of Narnia!" The dwarf Ginarrbrik announced as he walked into camp, a piece of parchment in his hands thats end reached the floor due to his unfortunate height. He continued, walking forward into camp with every word he spoke.

"Go away, Witch!"

"Empress of the Lone Islands!" Ginarrbrik continued, mildly ignoring the irrelevant comments from Aslan's army as he walked further into camp, nearly tripping over the piece of parchment.

"You don't belong here! Go away!" Another screamed as Ginarrbrik folded up the parchment and stepped aside for all to view. Jadis arrives at the camp on a litter carried by many Cyclops who smiled proudly as they walked. The Witch just looked ahead coldly, her eyes briefly meeting Genevieve's and the Witch gave her a sickening smirk as she drawled closer. They set her down and she stands down, and walks towards Aslan who was perched on a stone plateau in front of his tent. The whole camp including the children are soon assembled in front of Aslan's tent and Aslan waits on the little rock plateau.

"You have a traitor in your midst, Aslan." She claimed subtly as she walked forward into camp, her wand in her hand as she fiddled with it. A chorus of gasps could be heard from the crowd surrounding, both Aslan's followers and the Witches followers and Genevieve furrowed her eyebrows at her, unsure of why the situation seemed so familiar to her.

"His offense was not against you." Aslan stated as he lifted his head from the plateau to look at the witch whose face held one of both irritation and surprise and she huffed as she looked at him again.

"Have you forgotten the laws upon which Narnia was built?" The Witch, Jadis accused and Aslan immediately stood up as his eyes held anger as he looked at the Witch, his eyes turning darker.

"Do not cite the Deep Magic to me, Witch. I was there when it was written." His voice bellowed and Genevieve gasped slightly, not knowing Aslan could hold such anger is his body.

"Then you'll remember well that every traitor belongs to me. His blood is my property." The Witch screamed at him and Genevieve immediately looked at Edmund who looked as if he was about to cry and she took his hand in her own and he looked up at her, sending her a small smile before squeezing her hand and she squeezed back in reassurance. He had to be okay!

"Try and take him then." Peter threatens as he draws his sword and steps forward, Otmin taking a step forward shortly after to support him and the Witch only laughed a them as she began to speak again.

"Do you think that mere force will deny me my right... ...little King? Aslan knows that unless I have blood, as the law demands," The WItch turns to face the crowd. "all of Narnia will be overturned and perish in fire and water." The Witch pauses and points at Edmund with a blood-retching look on her face. "That boy will die on the Stone Table... is tradition. You dare not refuse me."

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