Chapter 33. - Off-Chance

Start from the beginning

His brows lifted. "My house is big enough."

"Do you have a solution for everything?" I asked, hiking my brow high as I wound my arms around his neck.

Ash's eyes softened. Bending his head down to mine, he touched our lips together. "As long as you have reservations, I'll have to keep convincing you to stick around."

My heart jumped at his words. "Why?"

He sighed into the kiss, sounding frustrated. "Really, Gia?!" Ash pulled back slightly, his expression agitated. "Because you have a fat ass, gigantic tits, a tight pussy, and a smart mouth. Now let's get back to bed!"

I shook my head, the heaviness lifting from around us, my mood lightening immensely as we fell back into the rhythm we now knew so well. "Should've guessed." I murmured under my nose as I whipped my sweatshirt over my head while his quick fingers worked the buttons of my jeans.

Some things were just meant to be taken lightly, and while the consequences were inevitable, this didn't have to end just yet.


Two weeks later, I was finishing up a report at the lab when Albie approached me. "They cut another one." He informed me, referring to our program. "And now you're-"

"At the bottom." I finished his sentence, my voice sounding much calmer than I've actually felt. "Next week is my comeback - I can just feel it!" I said with faux cheer in my tone, as my eyes skimmed the report for the second time.

School used to be my strong suit. I've always had an easy time remembering details, memorization was no feat for me, and I had an uncanny ability to anticipate problems before they arose - which was what made me choose biochemical engineering.

But now, as the words flooded together in my vision, I've had a hard time staying focused long enough to link a few basic sentences.

"You hovering isn't helping!"

Albie sighed, pulling up a chair next to me. "Despite what you might think, I find no pleasure in watching you burn yourself out." He cleared his throat. "Give me the paper."

I glanced over at him. "Quit joking, Albie. I want to get this done - I have somewhere to be."

"I'm already done with my report. Let me help you, Ginger!"

Albie was my biggest competition. He was brilliant, rich, had a solid family name and unlimited resources. And to top it off, he was a male, which made him a more eligible candidate to any job positions than I could ever be.

And right now, it would've been almost too easy for him to sabotage me.

But the genuine concern in his eyes made me drop my defenses. I could've been completely wrong for this, but at that moment, I placed my trust in him, and my paper in his waiting hand. "Francine needs your help more."

Albie smiled, his expression sad. "Francie doesn't stand a chance out there in the world. You do."

I lifted my brow at him. "You helping me on this constitutes as cheating," I stated calmly. "And I wouldn't be the only one punished for it if anyone found out."

My warning bounced right off his stern face. He was already reading through the report, marking up a few places I've made an error. "Then let's hope no one walks in."

"Isn't that the story of my life..." I whispered to myself, momentarily reveling in the irony of the situation I got myself into.


My review with Albie took so long that if we drove up the coast, I would've missed the fitting Julie scheduled for first thing in the morning. Thankfully, my traveling companion had a private jet at his disposal, which he willingly traded in favor of not having to stay sober and drive.

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