Chapter 13. - Claiming the Prize

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A/N: This Thanksgiving - among many other things - I am thankful for you guys! This book is the underdog of my stories, and I realized that literally no one asked for this. I could've done the easy thing and publish Victor's story next (which is what every single one of you wanted), but I went with my gut, and tried something different. As cliche as rock star stories are, this is what I wanted to do, and I am so thankful for every single one of you for taking a chance on me - and Ash & Gia - and giving this a try!

Getting 900 reads per chapter is a far cry from the 50k reads I got on Wrecking Ball, but that just makes this story and ALL OF YOU all the more special to me! So thank you for your continuous support, your comments, voted, understanding, love, and your incredible personalities!

This chapter is dedicated to every single one of you!


Ash missed one in the next cycle, and his second throw only landed in the outermost circle, barely earning him anything. We were now at an even score of seven each – but everything would be decided on this last, final round.

"Before you go-" His deep voice sounded from too close, and I tilted my head toward him, just to find his face only inches from mine. His gaze dropped to my parted lips, and I only had enough time to inhale a tiny breath before he kissed me. And boy, did he kiss me!

His tongue slid past my lips, teasing mine, as his arm wound around my waist, lifting my feet just enough off the ground that he could have full access to me. In one hand, I was still clutching my weapons, and with the other, I was clinging onto him. I moaned, tilting my head to the side so he could kiss me deeper.

My legs were aching to part and welcome him between them, my core needing the kind of friction I knew only Ash could give.

This sensation inside me blossomed into a full flower, growing with every second that passed. I wanted him – and I wanted him deep and hard and right fucking now!

But to my dismay, Ash lowered me to my own two feet and stepped back. "Good luck!" He winked with a cheeky little smile, and put some distance between us.

"Asshole!" I muttered under my nose, stretching my neck to the left, before tilting it to the right. He was toying with me on purpose, and I was letting him.

But that stopped now.

I took a deep breath, then held it as I moved my arm back, then launched the axe forward with as much force as I could gather. It landed in the red circle, right in the middle of the board.

I exhaled. This wasn't over yet! I needed to do this one more time to secure my win - or at least to make it a tie!

"Last chance!" I heard his deep voice announce from behind me as if I haven't been counting.

I needed to hit a bullseye. I squinted, relaxing my muscles. I got the hang of this now. In my mind, I was doing a quick calculation of the exact way the axe needed to flip mid-air to land sharp end first in the middle of the target.

I pulled my arm back and threw.

"Holy shit!" I shrieked, my voice sounding foreign like it wasn't even coming from me. "Six points in the final rounds!" I cheered, turning to him with both arms raised in the air. "Take that, you prick!"

Ash's grin only widened. "You haven't won yet, baby!" His warning was scratchy - the kind of sophisticated, ageless rasp that made the hair stand at the back of my neck, and my lady parts quiver. "Step aside and watch this."

He said it so confidently, I nearly wavered. But he was just playing his part. Ash had no idea how he would throw, he only kept up this cocky façade for my benefit.

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