Toot's Hottie: P'?

Toot: pick u up in 5

Mr. Perfect: oak and the girls with me omw

Papa Knott: omw

T: coming address?

Pink Milk: Location Shared

Running across the street, I notice a backpack thrown up against the building. I go over to it, and as I fear, it belongs to Wad. I look up and down the street, but I don't see him. I can hear his phone going off inside his backpack and pull it out, cursing. P'Knott runs up and looks at the phone in my hand.

"How are we going to find him now?" I say as I feel the world spinning.

"We will find him," Knot reassures me as he takes the phone and backpack from me, but I grab them back, hugging them to me, "Let's get up to the room. The others will be here soon."

I nod numbly. The only thing that keeps running through my head is 'I lost Wad.' For some reason, it feels so final.

When we reach the room, I can hear N'Kongpop blaming himself through the door.

"It is my fault, P'" N'Kongpop yells, "I should have gone over there! If I had gone, he wouldn't be missing!"

"Kong, N'Wad insisted on studying over here," Arthit yells back at his boyfriend, "This is nobody's fault, but the fvcking bastard who took him! So stop blaming yourself. It won't help to find your friend!"

Knott looks at me as he turns the handle on the door. Walking in, I see N'Kongpop face streaked with tears and Arthit's hair sticking out at strange angles.

"It is not your fault, N'Kongpop. It is mine," I choke out, "I shouldn't of let him talk me out of bringing him over."

"Stop it! Both of you!" Arthit screams, "I don't want either of you blaming yourself for something you couldn't fvcking control! That freak wanted him. It was just a matter of time for him to do this. So stop fvcking blaming yourself! Do you hear me?!?" Even Knott nods his head at this.

Bright, Tutah, and N'Jett are the next to arrive and don't say anything when they find all of us sitting on the bed with Arthit pacing in front of us.

N'Aim and Tee follow P'Dear and P'Win in taking in the scene and giving each other confused looks since nobody is talking.

N'Tew, N'Oak, and the three girls come in last. They look around the room and sit on the floor against Arthit's closet. The others seeing them sit, also find a place on the floor.

I toss out Wad's backpack and throw his phone on top of it. The girls gasp.

"Where was it?" P'Dear asks, looking troubled.

"Against the dorm," I say with a ragged breath, "I saw it when I came over. N'Wad said he could walk across the street by himself. I knew I should not have let him go. I should have taken him across the street. It is all my..."

"Fvcking, stop it!" Arthit snarls, "Nobody is blaming you!"

"How are we going to track him if he doesn't have his phone?" N'Oak asks.

"We don't track him," P'Win says, "Didn't you guys clone that Dean guy's phone?"

"Yeah, we did," P'Dear answers. I had forgotten about that. Maybe we can find Wad.

"Did you place a way to track him on his phone?" Tee asks.

Once again, P'Dear nods as he pulls out his phone to call someone.

#SOTUS Continued: Book One A PremWad TaleWhere stories live. Discover now