Orion and Layla's keys

Start from the beginning

I went to the kitchen to grab myself something to drink and I saw the clock, it was 16:15. When I thought about what to do next, Lepus crossed my mind and I'm going to ask her how to use a sword.

I went outside and requipped Lepus's key and summoned her.

"Hello there, Lucy. Would you like to train?" she asked me with smile

"Yes, I want you to teach me how to use a sword." I answered

She replied "Well, you did grown up a little. So, okay."

Then she summoned a katana that had it's blade made of gold. I was amazed by the looks of that sword and I could feel the magic power coming from it.

"This here is goldbrand, a dangerous sword that can set you on fire even if you just touch it's blade by the finger."

After she said that, I had an image of watching a member of Black Cross burning to death while I laugh sadistically.

"Heheheheheh" I still laughed, Lepus noticed that and she felt uneasy.

"On second thought, I don't think this sword is good for training at all." She said glaring at me with her green eyes.

She thought about it for a second and she had an idea

She said "Hey, Lucy. Have you ever heard of star dress spell?"

"What is that?" I asked her curiously

"That's celestial spirit spell that allows the user to use the magic and abilities of the spirit they have contract with." she explained

I was now eager to learn that spell. I said "That sounds great. When can we get started?"

"Whoa, Lucy. That spell isn't something you can learn so easily. It takes time to learn that spell." She explained

I frowned, but quickly shrugged it off saying "Alright, you can teach me how to use a sword some other time."

She nodded and she went back to celestial world. I went back inside my house and I rested on the couch, thinking about the job tommorow I'll take. I wonder which spirits will I get

After a while, I went to my bedroom and falling asleep.

*Next day*

I woke up in the morning to hear birds singing and the sun coming up. I decided to do that job about rescuing some woman's daughter. I was wearing bandages over my chest to cover my breasts, black jeans and brown boots.

I went to the town where the contractor resided. After I came to the adress, I knocked on the door which revealed the woman I knew too well.

She was one of my parents servants and my mother's good friend, Grammi.

"May I help you?" She asked

"I came for the job of saving your daughter, Miss." I answered

She smiled happily "Thank Gods, it's about time. Someone has finally come to save my little girl."

"I need to know the name of the dark guild that took her." I told her

She nodded "The name is Twilight Death. I don't know their actual location."

"Hmm, it will be hard to track them down without Lupus since he isn't available during weekends." I said

"You have to at least try! Please, save my daughter! She is my whole life!" she begged me

I put my hands up to calm her down "Whoa, lady. I said it will be hard, not that I won't do it. I'll try to find her."

"Oh, thank you! Thank you!" she said crying

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