Final Chapter

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A/N: Each of the remaining chapters were too short to stand on their own so I ended up combining all of them and adding the Epilogue to the end. The movie is part of the Epilogue.

I was checking to make sure all of our new equipment was working properly, and that the Metacon was also growing correctly. If I was correct, it only had a few days left.

Agent Fowler interrupted my work however.

"Prime. We have trouble brewing. The Cons staged a smash-and-grab at the Los Ala Mos Nuclear Plant late last night. And made off with 20 tons of control rods." He reported.

"What are the Decepticons looking to build?" Optimus questioned.

I went back to work since no one actually had any idea.

Fowler interrupted me again a couple hours later.

"And I was almost finished." I grumbled to myself before paying attention.

"Prime! It's Cons again. In progress this time."

"Coordinates received, Agent Fowler." Ratchet reported activating the Groundbridge.

"May I go in your place, Alpha?" Kazaranth asked, eager to prove himself.

"You may go, but I am coming as well. I won't interfere if you can handle it but I will be the one to take on the Predacon if he appears." I told him.

"Of course, Alpha."

We headed through the Groundbridge. I switched forms and flew up, circling and observing from above.

The Autobots arrived shortly after we did.

The ground bound ones attempted to stop the Vehicons from making off with the power source and failed.

Kazaranth and Optimus dealt with Soundwave. Laserbeak was knocked out of the fight by Optimus.

Soundwave took a bit longer to knock out of the sky, but a lucky hit from Kazaranth managed to freeze a wing, weighing it down.

The second shot hit his thruster and he had to transform or crash. The third, fourth, and fifth shots froze him.

Laserbeak flew off as Optimus, Kazaranth, and I landed. The other Autobots came over.

"You did well, Kazaranth." I ran my Blade between his wings.

"Ratchet, reopen the Groundbridge, but ensure that the humans are kept at a safe distance for we will be returning with a Decepticon prisoner." Optimus commed the base.

The Bridge opened and I switched forms. I hoisted Soundwave over my shoulder and moved into the base.

Ratchet quickly set up a table to keep him imprisoned when the Frost wore off.

"You managed to capture him?" Ratchet asked me.

"No. Kazaranth did." I praised.

We secured him and I went back to work as we waited for him to wake up.

I had just finished checking on the Metacon when he awoke.

I switched to my Dragon form to watch from above everyone else.

Kazaranth laid underneath me.

"Because we had the foresight to shield our new base, our captive will be unable to transmit his coordinates to the Decepticon Warship." Ratchet told us.

"Nor will they in turn be able to pinpoint his location." Optimus added.

"Guess we have all the time in the world to make Mister Personality tell us everything he knows." Jackie spoke up.

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