Operation: Breakdown

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A/N: I know, it's been a few months since I've updated. I honestly have no excuse other than Writer's block. Good news though is that I have finished the story. There's only a little editing left to do and I can do that as I post each chapter. To that effect, I'm going to upload the rest of this book within the next ten days. So if you want to wait and finish this story all at once, you only have to wait till then. That said, enjoy.

"Engaging the enemy on your own was foolish, Bulkhead." Optimus reprimanded Bulkhead while Ratchet and I were repairing him.

"Breakdown jumped me. I know I could take him." Bulkhead defended himself.

"And you didn't think to call me? We could have played another game of pass the idiot." I chimed in. "And your wounds say otherwise."

"Stay still." Ratchet reprimanded when he moved a little too much.

"But we should see the other guy! Right Bulk?" Miko tried to help.

"Uh, yeah, about that..."

"You didn't torch him?"

"Not exactly, I figured you all did." He gestured to us.

"They only left the base to pick up the kids. Optimus, Ratchet, and I were planning a Con hunt." I interrupted.

"When I came to, Breakdown was just gone. I remember hearing a copter... maybe it was Agent Fowler." He said hopefully.

"Not me." The mentioned Agent interrupted. "But I have an idea who. Show me where this Con napping occurred."

I went over to the computers and pulled up the coordinates of where we last opened the bridge. "This is where we picked up Bulkhead." I explained.

"The kamchatka peninsula in eastern Russia. Much of it was abandoned twenty years ago when it's volcano first erupted. My Intel reported MECH activity there earlier today." He told all of us.

"MECH? You mean those techie guys?" Miko clarified.

"The very ones who know of our existence on your planet." Ratchet said.

"They don't know about me though. You guys could scout and when you find them, call me and I'll rip the base apart." I offered.

"But what would they want with Breakdown?" Miko asked.

"What's it matter, they can have him." Arcee stated. I moved over to the groundbrige and ignored their banter.

"Reactivate the previous groundbridge coordinates. We will rescue Breakdown." Optimus said.

"Already done. Call me in as soon as you find their base. I'm eager to kick some tailpipe." I smirked predatorily. This sent shivers down their spines.

"Remind me to never get on your bad side." Fowler spoke up.

"You're lucky I like you now Fowler." I commented as Optimus spoke to Bulkhead before the bots left. Bulkhead stayed behind though.

"Fine. Happy hunting." Bulkhead said once they had gone through.

Miko made a noise of frustration and we turned to look at her.

"Uh, whaddya say, creature double feature?" Bulkhead offered to her.

"Sure." She sounded depressed. I gave Bulkhead a look of 'fix her.' He nodded back.

"I'm in." Fowler spoke up.

"I'll keep watch on the Comlink in case they find Mech's base." I stated, walking back over to the monitors.

A while later Miko snapped. "No, you're missing the smack down, which stinks because Breakdown is your arch enemy, not Optimus' and certainly not MECH's!"

Curious, I walked over.

"Miko, you don't understand. Breakdown and me, we go way back. You have no idea the things he's done. I am not rescuing him okay? Not now, not ever."

"Duh. You don't need to bromance him Bulk, you just need to beat him!" She exclaimed.

"Think of it this way, Bulkhead. You'll never get the chance to prove who the better wrecker is if MECH deactivates him before you get the chance to." I supported Miko. "And think of it more as you taking out MECH's base than rescuing an enemy."

They looked at me in surprise.

"What? I've had my fair share of dominance battles. It was how we decided the leader of the pack. Young whelps always thinking they can take on their elders and win." I trailed off.

"No rescue, no rematch." Miko turns back to Bulkhead.

He decides to go and I remind him. "I can open the Bridge directly above you. If you need back up, call me." I state sternly. "Don't get yourself deactivated."

It was a tense wait for Miko and I. The silence was only broken by Fowler's snoring and the movie playing in the background.

"Frostwing, open the bridge. I'm in need of backup." Bulkhead said over comms.

"Got it." I locked into his coordinates and opened the bridge. I switched forms as I ran and leapt through.

I spread my wings and roared. The two wreckers looked up at me and I slapped a helicopter out of the air.

"That's your escape plan?!" I heard Breakdown shout.

"He volunteered to be back-up!" Bulkhead replied.

"Less talking more fighting!" I yelled at them, taking out two more copters and freezing a car.

It was a fun battle and in the end, MECH retreated, just in time for some Cons to show up.

Breakdown turned on Bulkhead and got knocked off his feet.

I landed on some Vehicons and tore their heads off. I growled at Starscream. I killed some more Vehicons and the Autobots showed up.

Starscream and Breakdown ran off.

"I am honored that you saw fit to rescue your rival. You have truly risen above yourself." Optimus told Bulkhead. "And I am glad you brought back-up this time." He added looking at me.

"Did you see? I beat Breakdown! I won the rematch!" Bulkhead said.

Optimus looked at me for explanation.

"Miko convinced him to rescue Breakdown." I stated simply.

"I'm sure Miko would be proud." Arcee said.

We headed back to base after that and Agent Fowler cleaned up the mess.

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