One Shall Fall

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I listened as Optimus told us a prophecy. I shuddered as my time senses warned me what was coming, my scales rattled.

"No skies raining fire?" Arcee asked, sarcastically.

"Goes without saying. It is a doom prophecy after all." Ratchet replied.

"I say it's a load of hooey." Bulkhead dismissed.

"I'd always assumed the Ancients were referring to our home planet, but being that Cybertron has been dark for eons..." Ratchet trailed off.

"And considering what has befallen this planet since Megatron's arrival here..." Optimus continued.

"The prophecy is referring to Earth." I stated with absolute certainty. "Benefit of having time senses: don't have to guess important details of major events."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. We've known about these superstitions for ages and never gave them a second thought." Bulkhead cut in.

"Why all the ominous rumblings now?" Arcee added.

"Because the planetary alignment to which the prophecy refers is nearly upon us." Optimus replied.

"The timelines are converging. There are only two outcomes for this prophecy. He will either rise or He will not." I added.

"Who is He?" Bulkhead asked.

"That part is not so clear." I grimaced. "I do know that there is going to be a lot of Dark Energon involved though. I will stay in base with Ratchet and only help if it's clear you can't handle this on your own. Dark Energon has a greater effect on me than any of you."

"Understood, Frostwing. We cannot afford to have you injured." Optimus told me.

"It would seem the convergence endpoint is Earth." Ratchet spoke up then.

"How long we talking?" Arcee asked.

"A few days." I replied.

"However unsettling this revelation may be, I am more concerned about those who might believe that the prophecy speaks to them alone." Optimus said grimly.

We dispersed after that.

The humans were looking through conspiracy sights for Autobot and Decepticon sightings, replacing them with harmless and silly photos instead.

I was leaning against the railing behind them.

"The camera sure loves Bee." Jack commented.

"What can you do? When you're a superstar, you're paparazzi bait." Miko replied.

"Wait, is that Bumblebee?" Ratchet got involved now.

"On a conspiracy website where users post 'evidence' of close encounters, but we have it under control Ratchet." Raf explained. "We just scrub and replace Bee with..."

I snorted in amusement at the gif they replaced him with then stared at Ratchet in shock as he laughed.

"Ratchet actually laughed?" Miko asked.

"I'm just as shocked as you, Miko." I commented. They jumped since they had no idea I was behind them nor that I was paying attention to their conversation.

Ratchet looked away awkwardly.

"Hey. Um, Optimus, you wanna see something funny?" Jack offered.

"No." The prime stated.

"Don't take it personally. Primes are built that way. Optimus is the most expressive Prime I've seen in centuries." I told them.

"I haven't seen Optimus cry, laugh, or lose his cool." Bulkhead added.

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