Nemesis Prime & Triage

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A/N: No, I didn't forget to upload a chapter or mess up the title. I skipped grill since Frostwing had almost no impact on that episode. The only difference is that Frostwing and Wheeljack are mentioned as Allies to Team Prime. I didn't feel it was worth rewriting the entire episode for that one change. Most of my fics will skip that episode in the future as well if they have no direct impact beyond Fowler mentioning them in some capacity. I might use that chapter to show off some different aspects of their life, but that's about it. I completely skipped the others beyond a brief mention.

We listened to the comm chatter about Optimus trying to run Fowler off the road.

"Optimus was nowhere near you guys. His signal was underground." I told them. I was ignored.

Really? They pick now of all times to ignore me?

Relax, they probably just didn't hear you. Partner-mine replied.


We listened as Optimus walked into base and explained where he had been.

We heard as Fowler got a call about Optimus attacking the base.

"Frostwing, Wheeljack. Can you intervene?" Optimus asked us.

"Nope." I replied.

"We're in Russia." Jackie added.

"By the time we get there, the attack will be over." I finished.

"That was awesome." Miko stated.

"Thank you." We replied. Miko repeated herself and I turned my attention away from the comms and focused more on the Vehicon I had been eating.

"Military Personnel are under strict orders to destroy any and all Bots on sight." Fowler reported over the comms.

"Then it's time for us to step in." Partner-mine spoke up.

We had been flying towards the US since I had finished eating. We were now over Nevada.

"Got any leads for us?" I added.

"Those butchers actually did it. They managed to crack the code." Ratchet said.

"MECH." Optimus replied.

"Well, they don't have the technology to build a Bridge so their base has to be within driving distance of both incidents." I mused.

"We'll take it from here." Partner-mine told them. "You guys stay in base. Fowler, see if you can clear up the confusion. Anyone have a signal or something to trace?"

"The signal is neither Autobot or Decepticon. If you scan the area around both incidents, you might be able to pick it up." Ratchet replied.

"Send us the coordinates."

All in all, it was fairly easy to take out the imposter. They obviously hadn't accounted for us showing up.

Fowler managed to get their names cleared the next day.


When we were informed about the damage Bulkhead had done to the ship and the events that followed, we were impressed.

"Nicely done, Bulk."

"Not everyone has what it takes to rival the damage a Metacon can do." Partner-mine finishes.

We had spent an enjoyable week flying around and not doing much of anything except scanning for Autobot locator beacons.

"Though we aren't impressed with you for attempting to use the Spark Extractor."

Frostwing - a TFP fanfiction (Complete)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora