Operation: Bumblebee - Both Parts

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I folded my wings, landing neatly behind Optimus and Ratchet as Optimus said, "The Spark Extractor."

"That thing survived? I could have sworn I destroyed it."

"The one you destroyed was a prototype." Megatron told me. "Rather unassuming, yet capable of extracting every spark within its radius. And to think that you led me straight to it Optimus, or should I say, Orion Pax did. You really should have left your Decepticon shield in tact. For you have no idea how useful your code breaking skills proved to be during our all too brief time together. Soundwave, send the Groundbridge."

A portal appears and Megatron orders the Vehicons to attack.

I immediately bite off the helm of a Vehicon before anyone can even move. Then the battle starts. Megatron leaves and it's literally just a few Vehicons we have to deal with. I subspace them as I kill them.

Bumblebee chases Megatron into the Bridge and comes back a few minutes later with the Spark Extractor. I subspace the last corpse and call Arcee for a Bridge.

"Nicely done." I tell him as we head into our own bridge.

He goes over to the humans to boast, proud and excited.

I switch forms and head over to help Ratchet.

"Optimus, here. The source of the Ancient frequency we detected." Ratchet tells him.

"An Iacon homing beacon." Optimus confirms.

"What's an Autobot locator doing on that?" Arcee questioned.

"The class A Decepticon weapons confiscated during the war were sealed within the vaults below Iacon." Optimus explained.

"Where you once worked as an archivist." Bulkhead clarified.

"Iacon was both a cultural center and a stronghold. Which Megatron raided when Autobot troops were at their Nadir. It's stands to reason that in anticipation of Iacon being overrun by enemy forces, these weapons were jettisoned off-world to keep them far from Decepticon reach." Optimus theorized.

"Clearly, the beacon was added as a safety measure, should the weapons ever be found by an undesired party." Ratchet cut in.

After that I stopped listening, my mood turning melancholy.

Smokescreen was guarding Alpha Trion in Iacon the last time I ever heard from him. Did he get sent off-world as well? Or did he perish in the siege?

After a while, Bumblebee noticed my mood.

:What's got you so down?: He beeped.

"It's just," I sighed. "Smokescreen was posted as a guard in the Iacon Hall of Records when it was overrun. I have no clue if he was sent off-world or if he was killed. I really hope it's the former but I don't truly know." I explained my thoughts as best I could, before huffing in annoyance. "And my instincts are being useless and not telling me."

:Don't think the worst yet. There may be some information in the Iacon database that states if he lived or died.: Bee offered.

"We don't have access to the database right now." I remind him.

He falls silent but doesn't move away. I take what comfort I can in the gesture.

Bee and Bulkhead left to go on patrol after a while.

"Remember, call me for back-up if you need it." I reminded them as they left.

When they returned to base because Bee couldn't transform, both Ratchet and I scanned him.

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