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  A/N: I apologize to those of you who actually do read this story. While I don't have much of a social life, it does occasionally get in the way. As a proper apology, have a few chapters.  

That Saturday, Bulkhead was going through the defrost cycle. "I told you Doc, we're fine." Bulkhead told him trying to get up.

"The only way to be sure you're fine is to go through standard defrosting procedure." Ratchet argued.

"Free bit of advice, Ratchet. Never try to defrost me. You'll just burn through all my energy trying to keep my ice stable." I told him, having a feeling that I was going on a patrol in the Arctic sooner or later.

"Ratchet, have you learned any more about our arctic find?" Optimus asked.

"Not yet. The pod can't be opened while its frozen solid."

"Arcee, Frostwing, and I will search for any clue that might explain our Arctic find." Optimus said, activating the groundbridge.

I didn't wait for them as I stepped through. The cold wouldn't affect me. It was part of my main power source after all. I took flight, scouting the immediate area to make sure we were more or less safe while I waited for them.

They came through the bridge and we headed off. I kept to the skies for the moment, keeping an eye on our surroundings.

"Storm's coming in, you two stay close to one another, and be careful. Keep an eye on your sensors." I reported over the comm link.

"Understood. Arcee, what's your status?" Optimus replied.

"My senor's going off, guess we should call for pickup before things get chilly." I swooped down and landed next to her.

"Optimus to base. Core temperature readings have reached the blue zone, prepare to activate groundbridge." He got no response, not even static.

I spread my wings and lowered them towards the ground, creating a tent of sorts.

"Both of you get under my wings. The cold will not affect me and it will keep you from freezing." I ordered.

They did as I told them and we headed off to the arrival coordinates.

Optimus tested the comm link again.

"Are you sure a nice long drive wouldn't help? I hear Miami's beautiful this time of year." Arcee asked, leaning against my plating to steady herself.

"You would have to drive over an ocean to get somewhere even mildly warm that isn't underneath my wings. We should make our way towards the arrival coordinates. The cold will not affect me so you can use me as a shelter. I do not mind." I replied matter of factly.

Once we got close to the coordinates, I crouched down and curled around the two autobots. I gathered my energy before releasing it in bursts. It warmed the area under my wings significantly. I slowed the energy pulses once it reached an acceptable temperature.

"Be careful with how much energy you expend," Optimus cautioned.

"The cold is my primary energy source. As long as we are here and I don't run out of Energon, I do not have to worry about my energy levels." I told him simply. "Besides, I'm only directing the cold out from under my wings."

"Arcee, wake up." Optimus ordered.

"Just resting my optics." She replied.

"The longer we remain alert, the longer we remain alive."

"What do you suggest? Wait, how about a game? Let's play, who screwed things up back at base?"

"Our predicament could be the result of a simple malfunction."

"Caused by Bulkhead. Let's see, no comm link, maybe even no power. Big lug probably tripped over a cord. He's never been too graceful. Remember when we first arrived on earth, and Bulkhead walked into those power lines? Who knew he could dance like that?"

"Bulkhead may be too large for this world, but his inner strength is without bounds. One should not be measured by size alone."

"Take me for example. Even though my true size is much larger, I find it harder to move around when I'm full size. I usually only am as large as I need to be." I cut in.

I stopped Arcee when she started to talk about off-lining.

"Hush." I told them. "You will not offline here."

"How could you possibly know that?" She asked me.

"Have you forgotten the history of the Metacons? Of the first Metacon?" I asked in return.

Optimus spoke up then. "The first Metacon was called Frostwing as well. He was created alongside the original Primes. His task was to keep watch over the timelines. The Predacons were created because Unicron didn't like their involvement in major conflicts. They were created with a sole purpose, to wipe out the Metacons. The final battle between their two races wiped out both species."

"All except one." I took over the story-telling from there. "I survived. I had to watch all of my comrades die around me. When the dust finally cleared, I was the only one standing in a field of corpses. Most Cybertronians refer to the event as The Great Cataclysm. I know it as The War of Extinction." I paused for a moment, debating with myself. "I think it's time we were properly introduced, don't you? I am Frostwing, First and Last of the Ancient Metacons. I am a Time-Keeper. I lived alongside the First Primes. I will live long after this universe turns to dust, and I will be there to signal the birth of a new one. Well, unless someone manages to chop off my helm or shatter my spark." I notice their awestruck gazes on me. "You will not die here, your timelines are not yet at their end."

Just then, the groundbridge opened. I lifted my helm to look at it and Optimus and Arcee looked up as well. Before we could do more than get to our pedes, Bulkhead came rushing out.

My optics widened and I tucked my helm back around Optimus and Arcee. "Scraplets." I told them at their questioning look.

There were quite a lot of metallic pings as I got showered in frozen Scraplets. Once it was over, I lifted my helm and let them move towards the groundbridge.

"I'd invite you in, but the place is a mess." Bulkhead said as he got up, brushing off frozen scraplets as he did.

I kept an eye on everyone as Ratchet directed the kids in attending to their guardians.

When everyone was sorted, Ratchet turned to me, "Are you alright Frostwing? Need any defrosting?"

"Did you not hear what I said earlier? I will never need any form of defrosting. The colder my body runs, the better." I told him.

He nods and said, "I shall add that to your file."

I nodded back and simply continued to keep watch on them.

Our attention was caught by Miko screaming and freaking out about a spider.

"Did she just scream like a little girl?" Bulkhead asked.

"She is a girl, Bulkhead. What is your excuse?" I question.

The kids had explained what had happened and Miko had added in how Bulkhead had screamed.

He looked away, embarrassed.

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