Con Job

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Words: 2832

A/N: So, this one can be a bit confusing. If you have any questions about anything in this chapter, let me know and I'll do my best to answer. I did try to explain it in the chapter however, so read through first before asking.

It wasn't until the Bots were healed that the next major event happened.

I looked over as Ratchet reported about a starship inside the solar system.

"It's an Autobot identification beacon." He added.

"So there are other bots out there?" Jack asked.

"Both Autobots and Decepticons scattered to the stars when Cybertron died. What you see here is not even a fraction of Cybertron." I explained.

"But Cons have been known to bait traps with false beacons." Arcee added.

"Unknown vessel, this is Autobot outpost Omega-1. Identify yourself." Optimus ordered.

"I've had warmer welcomes from Decepticon combat brigades." Stated a voice I knew very well.

"Wheeljack?!" Both Bulkhead and I exclaimed.

"You old Con crusher! What are you doing all the way out here?" Bulkhead added.

"Bulkhead? Frostwing? What's with all the security?" He asked.

"This planet is infested with Decepticons."

"How soon can you get here and even the odds?" Bulkhead asked.

"Sometime tomorrow, if I put metal to the pedal." The Comlink cut out at that.

"Another Bot's coming here. How cool is that?" Miko spoke up.

"Very cool." I stated, quite happy and excited to hear from my old friend again.

"Can you verify his voiceprint?" Optimus asks us.

"He is 1000% the real deal Optimus." Bulkhead replies. I nodded in agreement.

I tuned out of the conversation after Optimus said landing coordinates.

When the base was quiet again, I spoke up. "I cannot sit still any longer. Would you three like to accompany me on a flight?" I ask the humans and they agreed excitedly.

I crouched beside the platform so that they could get on my back with little trouble before heading out of the base once they were on.

I took to the sky easily, and felt six small hands grab onto my spines tightly.

Miko let out a whoop as Jack and Raf let out sounds of awe.

"Now you see how I normally view the world." I told them. "I tower above everything without trying."

I'm careful to keep low enough that breathing won't be a problem for them. We spend a few enjoyable hours soaring through the air before I land back at the base so the humans can head home.

The next day, we were waiting for Wheeljack to reach the coordinates sent out. Like Bulkhead, I couldn't stay still and had transformed to my Bipedal form to avoid taking up all the space.

"Wheeljack's ship is approaching the landing zone." Arcee spoke up.

"You think he's here to visit?" Raf asked.

"Maybe he'll stay!" Miko chimed in. "Hmm, have to find his own human though."

Ratchet tried to get the groundbrige to work, only for it to glitch out. "Blasted scraplets. Equipment hasn't been the same since the infestation."

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