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A/N: I feel like I should warn that all Metacons consider themselves male since gender doesn't matter to them. However, the focus will not be on romance. There may be slight flirting and mentions of it but that's about it and all of it is mild and easy to miss. It also doesn't have much of an effect on the plot besides a bit of set up for the final chapter.

Ultra Magnus's voice got my attention.

"Autobots, Metacon, we remain vastly outnumbered and despite our munitions, we do not currently possess the fire power necessary to compromise the Decepticon Citadel."

"Speak for yourself." I cut in.

"Uncle Sam's military does. I just can't let them make a move as long as Megatron's Ray guns are pointed at Washington." Fowler added.

"Then we must infiltrate Darkmount in order to nullify its fusion cannons." Ultra Magnus decided.

"Unfortunately, it seems the Fortress is heavily shielded against unauthorized Groundbridges. Even those originating from Decepticon technology." Ratchet informed us.

"Guess we'll have to sneak past enemy lines. Wrecker style." Jackie spoke up.

"Or we can drop in from above. I can carry all six of you." I offered.

"I couldn't deal with Wrecker style back on Cybertron and I refuse to deal with it here." Ultra Magnus denied.

"Or ignore me. Fine."

"Now we require a means of thinning the Decepticon ranks to even the odds." Ultra Magnus carried on as if he hadn't heard me. "If we're to have any hope of completing this mission. Or of surviving it."

"I may as well be talking to myself for all that you are listening." I grumbled. "Did I get transported to the Shadow Zone without realizing it?"

"You didn't, Partner-mine." Jackie assured. "He just doesn't realize you're smarter than everyone here."

"As is the case with most Cybertronians."

How is Optimus doing?

Not good, he refuses to use the Forge on himself.

Then place the handle in his hand. I told Smoke.

I ignored the Autobots as they formed a plan to thin the ranks.

If they're going to ignore me, I'm going to ignore them.

Good plan. You gonna act as backup then? Jackie asked.

I will.

I got to work on repairing the systems we needed and starting to dismantle what we didn't need. I would rebuild some stuff when we actually set up a base.

Jackie's amusement flooded the bond.

What's gotten you so amused? Smoke asked.

I'm throwing grenades at the base of the tower and it's actually having an affect. Jackie replied.

That is hilarious. I replied.

All was quiet for a few minutes until I heard, Predacon!

On my way. I switched forms and ran through the Groundbridge.

I caught the Whelp in my claws and flew off.

Thanks! Jackie called.

No problem Partner-mine.

I flew north, towards the arctic.

The Predacon tried everything it could to get me to drop it. Biting, clawing, hitting, it even spat some fireballs at me.

Everything splashed mostly harmless against my armor. I did get a few scratches out of it though. "That tickles." I informed it before dropping it in the arctic.

"I could use a Groundbridge." I commed the Harbinger. A bridge opened in front of me and I landed inside the downed Ship.

Shockwave is attacking us! Jackie reported.

Can you handle him? There was no reply.

I growled and flew through the Bridge again.

I landed and knocked Shockwave away.

"Damn Decepticons attacking my Partner." I crouched in front of the two Wreckers.

"Release the other Predacon." I heard Shockwave say.

There was a roar of a Metacon and it landed in front of me.

"How delightful, you have brought me the first of my new clan mates." I purred after I had pinned the Metacon.

I used my Blade to activate his instincts. His optics reset a few times before he stopped struggling. I released him and he turned to Shockwave who stepped back. The Metacon looked to me for orders.

Shockwave ran and the Metacon turned to pursue him.

"Let him leave. We will free the Cybertronians bearing this symbol." I tapped the Autobot Insignia on my Partner. The Metacon nodded and followed my lead.

At one point, Optimus appeared to help.

The Metacon made to attack after the Cons were dead or retreating.

"Stand down, he is on our side." I ordered.

The Metacon bowed and stepped back.

"It is good to see you healthy again, Optimus."

"Hello, Frostwing. Who is he?" Optimus gestured to the Metacon.

"It is a tradition in Metacon culture for the Alpha to name the members of its clan if they do not already have names. I haven't thought of a good name for him yet." I explained.

Optimus nodded in understanding.

"We need to disable the Fusion Cannons." I informed him.

"Understood." He flew off.

Ultra Magnus informed the others of Optimus' return as the Metacon placed him with the others before flying back to me.

There was a lot of cheering over the comm link.

The human military showed up.

Optimus threw Megatron into the power core.

We were killing fliers.

There was a lot going on.

"Autobots, clear the area." Ultra Magnus ordered over comms.

"Follow." I ordered the Metacon before flying up to circle above Darkmount as it crumbled.

Aw, I missed it. Smoke whined.

We all met back up at a military base later. I was in Bipedal with the Metacon standing behind me. I had a hand placed on the side of his helm which hovered over my shoulder. My partners were on either side of me.

Fowler thanked us on behalf of the world with a speech.

"Sir, I am honored to relinquish command to you." Ultra Magnus told Optimus.

The Metacon made a curious chirrup.

"No. We are not Autobots, but we are allied with them." I replied.

"Welcome to Earth, Ultra Magnus, and to Team Prime." He told the Autobot.

"Okay, someone's gotta say it. Optimus 2.0 is rad." Miko spoke up. "Imagine what the Forge could do for your bod." She turned to Ratchet.

"Is it true that the Forge has become drained of its power?" Ratchet asked.

I scanned the Forge. "It's completely drained. If there was a little left, I could recharge it, but there isn't enough left for even that." I confirmed.

"Then any hope of building the Omega Lock has truly been lost." Ratchet replied.

"I did what I thought was right." Smoke defended.

You did well, Smoke. I placed a servo on his shoulder.

For a rookie. Jackie teased.

"Then your instincts have again proven to be quite sound." Ratchet informed him.

Frostwing - a TFP fanfiction (Complete)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt