Hurt & New Recruit

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A/N: Arcee's flashback episode was skipped.

We got the call about Bulkhead being injured a few hours later.

We looked at each other and I crouched.

Partner-mine climbed on and I took off.

I opened my second set of wings to double my speed. I flew as fast as I could towards the base.

I slowed down and landed heavily outside the base. I kept up some of my speed, using it to run into the base.

Everyone turned to look as I came running in. I came to a stop near the medbay.

Jackie leapt off. "What's the damage, Doc?"

"Bulkhead suffered massive trauma to his central neural conduit. The tox-en exposure has caused system wide shutdown on a sub-micronic level."

I switched forms and moved over to get my own scans.

"Is there anything you can do for him?" Ratchet asked me.

"Perhaps. Partner-mine, go. Get your revenge if you must, but return to me in one piece." I told him as I got to work on Bulkhead.

"You gonna tell me who did this to him?" He asked Optimus.

"At the moment I believe it is best to focus on Bulkhead's recovery." Optimus replied. "Rather than revenge."

"You really don't know anything about Partner-mine, do you? Revenge is his way of coping." I cut in as he left.

"Wheeljack will most likely do something rash, you know." Ratchet told me.

"Yes, but as long as he returns alive and mostly uninjured, I will not stop him." I turned to get to work on Bulkhead.

A few hours later, I turned when I heard someone limping into base.

Partner-mine was injured and Miko was walking beside him.

"Sit." I demanded, pointing to the second medical berth.

Partner-mine did as instructed while telling us what had happened.

I didn't say anything. I knew I couldn't have stopped him from going.

I was just happy he returned with all of his limbs. I could fix just about anything, but I couldn't replace limbs if I didn't have the missing limb.

Later, after we left, Partner-mine turned to me.

"You already got your scolding, I'm just glad you returned to me." I informed him, pressing my helm to his chest plates.


A few days later, my instincts screamed at me.

They gave me a set of coordinates. Go there! Now!

Sensing the urgency, I unfurled my second set of wings and shot off.

"Whoa! What's the hurry?" Partner-mine righted himself and leaned low over my neck.

"My instincts are screaming at me to go to a specific set of coordinates." I replied, urgency clear in my voice.

Partner-mine flattened himself out even more. "Then let's go."

I landed just as the Autobots arrived.

I headed straight for the escape pod and stood behind all of them, using my height to see over their shoulders.

"It is of Decepticon origin." Optimus said.

Why would my instincts bring us here?

"And the Con inside blew his way out." Arcee added.

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