Speed Metal and Sick Mind

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Words: 1528

A/N: I refuse to post a chapter that is less then 500 words so I'm posting two together. There is a time skip between the two. These will be the last two I post for today.

My instincts started calming down but I still didn't want Wheeljack to go somewhere that I didn't know about.

Bumblebee called base for backup. Knockout was chasing him.

I stood up to help and then hesitated. I looked back at Jackie.

"Go. I won't leave the base until your instincts are calm again." He assured me.

I pressed my helm to his chassis for a few seconds before pulling away and heading for the exit. "Thank you, Partner-mine."

"Just kick some Con tailpipe for me!"

I flew off, easily finding Knockout and Arcee.

"Knockout has a human hostage, be careful." Arcee called up to me.

"Understood." I rumbled.

I dove down and picked Knockout up in my claws.

"Hey! Watch the finish!" He shouted.

"I do not care about your appearance. Open your door or I will rip it off." I threatened.

"You're bluffing!" He replied.

I proceeded to rip off the door and grab the human. Having all that I needed, I dropped the Con. I figured the Autobots could handle the narcissist.

Oh look, the coward is running away.

I landed next to the other four.

"You are lucky Optimus was not in the main room when you called for backup." I stated simply. "Even though I was more focused on Jackie at the time, I still know how all of you got involved in this. I won't inform Optimus if none of you participate in the 'circuit' again." I stated simply.

"We won't. Any racing in future will be during the day." Arcee assured me.

"Good. Let's get the human to safety and return to base. My instincts still aren't fully calm yet." I stated tiredly.

"Maybe taking a relaxing flight with Wheeljack would help." Jack offered.

"I shall try that."

And it did help quite a bit. Just having Wheeljack where I was sure nothing could harm him and he relied solely on me to keep him safe helped.

He left a week later when I was fully back to normal. I replaced the frost on his ship as he left.


"Optimus, you're never going to believe this, but I just pinpointed the Decepticon Warship." Ratchet spoke up immediately gaining the attention of every Autobot on base, and mine as well.

I stood and walked over.

"How did you penetrate their cloaking technology?" Optimus asked.

"I didn't. I was experimenting with variable frequency wavelengths when I stumbled upon it." Ratchet replied. "Even so, their ship must be experiencing some kind of electromagnetic breach."

"With Megatron deceased and the element of surprise..." Arcee started.

"We could cause some serious damage." Bulkhead finished.

I, however, was watching the monitors. "Look." I directed their attention to the distress beacon. "An Autobot distress beacon."

"The Decepticons can wait, there may be Autobots in distress." He decided. "Ratchet, bring your medical kit."

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