T.M.I. & Stronger, Faster

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I was avoiding being inside the base at the moment.

Miko and Bulkhead were watching a monster truck rally at a volume that was far too loud for me.

I also needed to shed so I was in my true size.

The base was about the size of one of my paws.

"Ratchet, Frostwing, Deception ambush! The cylinder is at risk! We require back-up!" Optimus' voice came over the Comm link.

I shrunk back down and replied, "On my way!" before heading inside the base.

The groundbridge was already open so I didn't stop, just continued through it.

I roared, leaping out onto the battlefield and immediately biting a Vehicon's head off.

The majority of the Cons focused on me, seeing me as the bigger threat. The only officers there were Breakdown and Knockout. I let the bots handle them and focused on taking out the Vehicons.

Seems they are starting to expect my presence here.

"Autobots, stand your ground. The artifact must not fall into enemy hands!" Optimus commanded.

I roared, backing up his statement.

I covered Arcee as she made a run for the cylinder, only to get tackled by Knockout.

"Come to papa." He said, before getting punched by Bulkhead.

"Run to mommy." He told the vain Con.

I slapped a Vehicon and he went flying across the battlefield and landed on Knockout.

Breakdown grabbed Bulkhead, "Say uncle. Say it!"

I slapped another Vehicon and it freed Bulkhead. Bulkhead lost his balance however and fell right into the path of the beam that got ejected from the cylinder.

Knockout grabbed the cylinder and retreated with Breakdown and three of the Vehicons.

"Bulkhead, are you...?" Optimus asked.

"Fine. Didn't even smart." He replied getting to his pedes.

We sent Bulkhead back to base and I stayed with Optimus to help look for the Cylinder.

"Can you pick up a scent, Frostwing?" Optimus questioned.

"No. The cylinder didn't give off a scent. Probably a defense mechanism to prevent any Predacon or Metacon from finding it." I replied, going around and subspacing all the dead Vehicons.

Arcee and Bumblebee helped by piling the corpses up. Optimus was trying to get a fix on the signal the cylinder gave off.

We finished cleaning up and headed back to base.

Ratchet was scanning Bulkhead's mind when we got back and beckoned us over.

"This hotspot you see here? Its information. Data. Living energy." He explained.

"Hold on, it's alive, it's on fire, and it's in Bulkhead's brain?" Miko cut in.

"Chill Miko. The data's only inhabiting a fraction of my brain. Infinitesimal by standard neural net densities." Bulkhead tried to reassure her.

"I will never get used to hearing Bulkhead talk like that." I remarked. "I mean, he's smart in his own way and all, but he's talking like a scientist."

"Agreed." Arcee stated.

"Based on what we witnessed during our skirmish, the living data must have been programmed to eject when it sensed unauthorized access." Optimus got us back on track.

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