Project Predacon, Chain of Command, & Plus One

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A/N: There are less than 10 chapters left.

The Metacon had been named Kazaranth.

I had taught him some combat techniques. I was attempting to teach him how to transform at the moment.

He almost got it, only to fail at the very last second.

"You are fighting the transformation. You need to embrace it. Once you transform both ways once, you will be able to switch at will. There is no need to fear being stuck in one form." I place a servo on the side of his helm.

I stepped back again.

"Now try again."

He got it this time.

"Good, Kazaranth. The transformation back into your Dragon form is exactly the same, only in reverse." I praised. He had no issues this time.

"Now we need to access your voice. This will take time so you will have to be patient."

I switched forms fluidly, but slower than normal, letting Kazaranth observe.

"Now-" I was cut off by my Comm activating. I sigh, irritated. "What do you need, Ratchet?"

Kazaranth moved closer to me. I didn't stop him but I did watch him.

"Your Partner and Ultra Magnus are returning."

"We are on our way." I eyed the Metacon who had grown into his adult frame.

His scales were blue and silver, with highlights of black instead of my mix of silver and black with blue highlights. He didn't have a crown however.

I was bigger than he was by a significant amount. He was smaller than the Predacon, but his natural speed was faster than me.

And he didn't have his second set of wings yet.

Kazaranth sniffed along the edge of my wing.

I moved past him and he quickly followed me back to base.

We arrived in time to see Ultra Magnus come through the Bridge. Bee removed the Energon cube from the back of his Alt-mode, before he transformed.

"We didn't find much else in the rubble of the former base."

Jackie came through the Bridge then. "You call this, not much else?" He was holding the lobbing ball.

He threw it at Bulk. It bounced off his armor and would have hit the humans if I hadn't put a paw up to catch it.

"Next time, warn him before you throw the ball, Partner-mine." I scolded.

Kazaranth made a curious sound about the title.

"I will teach you about Partners once you gain your voice. You will have to convince any Partner of yours to complete the bond after all." I told him as I put the ball in an out of the way area.

"Get your Partners under control." Ultra Magnus ordered.

"Listen up, Tiny. You may be Optimus' Second in Command, but you will not order me around. Optimus doesn't have the authority and neither do you. I am an Alpha and a Prime. If anyone will be giving the orders around here, it will be me. You would do well to remember that." I growled.

Kazaranth snarled, backing me up.

Ultra Magnus turned away, "Any word from Optimus?" He asked Ratchet.

I growled at him one last time before turning to Ratchet as well.

Stand down Kazaranth. He is not worth the effort it would take to kill him. I ordered over the Clan bond.

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