Chapter two - Darkness Rising Part Two

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A/N: So, I will try to update this at least once a week. I will respond to comments on the newer chapters (most recently updated 3 or so.)

I'm also going to tell which episode this chapter relates to. This one is fairly short so I will update twice today.

Not much else to say. Enjoy the Chapter.


"What happened to you guys anyway?" Miko asked.

"We engaged an army of undead Cybertronian warriors." Ratchet replied.

Miko exclaimed something about zombies but I wasn't listening.

My hearing started fading in and out and I became dizzy. I collapsed on the floor and dimly heard worried shouts.

I woke briefly during the night to purge my tanks in a conveniently placed bucket.

"Feel better?" Ratchet asked when I was finished.

"Slightly. I hate Dark Energon. I'm gonna pass out again." I informed him and proceeded to do just that.

I awoke just as Fowler did. I walked over and looked at the screen, checking their positions.

Optimus was on his own, while the other three were heading to a different location. Megatron was heading straight for Optimus.

"Care for some backup Optimus?" I asked the Prime.

"Your systems are still recovering Frostwing." Ratchet spoke up.

"All I need to do is hold him off. If I do fall, you shall lead the Autobots in my place until Ultra Magnus shows up." He told me.

"Be careful, Prime." I told him as I switched forms. My bi-pedal took less energy.

I waited, not quite patiently, for the others to return.

Raf's voice caught my attention, "Do you think they're..." He couldn't finish his sentence.

"Four life signals, one very faint." Ratchet replied, with a small amount of dread.

I watched as the others came through the bridge. Raf and Miko reuniting with their guardians happily before they caught sight of Arcee.

"By the Allspark, we lost one this week, don't let it be two." Ratchet prayed.

Jack walked over and placed a hand on her servo.

"Jack, really? There are other motorcycles." She stated weakly.

"But you're my first." Jack replied simply.

I face-servoed before walking over and taking Arcee from Bee. I moved over and set her on the medical berth.

"And Megatron?" Ratchet asked.

"Not even he could have survived ground zero." Optimus answered, sadly. I placed a servo on his shoulder.

"If you need to talk, I'm here." I stated simply.

"Prime," Fowler spoke up. I blinked at his voice. I had forgotten he was here. "I didn't get to thank you Bots for the save, I owe you one. We all do." And he walked out of the base.

I walked back over to my spot and simply leaned against the wall. I didn't bother transforming as I knew I would hit someone. I would wait until the Bots took the kids home.

I caught sight of Arcee standing on her own again, her self-repair systems doing their job easily.

Later that night, while I was crunching down on a Vehicon arm, Optimus walked over and sat next to me.

"He was my mentor, back on Cybertron. He was the whole reason I got involved in this war. I had hoped to change his mind, not extinguish his spark." He started.

He talked, I listened. While eating an arm of course. To his credit, he didn't look disgusted in the slightest, not even his optics held disgust.

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