“I am in the great position to show you guys our new weapons, designed and formed in Brooklyn,” he started off, the large TV from behind him turning on. He stood behind the tall white table and flipped through the pages of his notebook. “I helped with the design as well, because I made my research on your choices and the previous army groups’ choices in guns.”

“What do you have for us, boss?” Louis asked, lazily leaning back in the couch.

“Many great things.” Leo grinned. I had to see him that happy since the day we were escorted to the airport and that was a long time ago.

“Alright, I designed different kind of guns for each one of you,” he said, the screen begind him turning into a deep blue color with white thin straps moving slowly across.

“Great,” Niall said, kinda flatly kinda excitedly. I suppose he didn't want to seem too eager.

“My priority is your safety. I know  each gun the previous army groups picked and I believe they weren't that strong and secure as they had to be. If you get to find any of them out there, ask them though.” he joked lightly,  Ashton and Thomas laughing.

“All of your guns have microchips. We need to know your location, although the signal always gets lost at some point for good." Leo frowned before turning to look at the screen behind him. “Okay, let's start with Niall,” he said and a large skeleton of a gun appeared in the screen in a 3D form.

“The master of guns, please.” Niall said proudly, making us all laugh.

“The queen of bullets.” Louis mocked, making us laugh even harder. Niall flicked him off, earning a toothy grin from Louis.

Leo chuckled and shook his head in amusement. “Alright, your gun is the most complexed one, because I know you are the master like you said,” Niall’s smirk grew much wider. “Alright, you will have over 700 bullets, two exchanges of 350 and a helping tool that I designed,” the screen zoomed in on the heart of the gun, in the middle, where a bright red light came through. “This is electricity at it's most highest level.” he pointed at the mark. “It loads around each bullet that are all plugged, so you don't only shoot, but you can also taser your target.” He explained, making my eyes widen.

“Oh wow,” I breathed, stunned.

“Keep Niall away from me the whole time, please.” Louis said, making us all laugh again.

Niall's blue eyes literally glowed with excitement. “What’s the pressure?”

“I made it light enough for you to carry with easy but strong enough for the force of the bullet to stun someone.” Leo replied coolly while a soldier walked in, carrying the new gun in his hands.

We all stared at the gun as if it's the greatest thing we've seen in the world, which actually , partly, was. Niall stood up, receiving his gun from the soldier with curious and happy eyes. “Wow, the structure is amazing.” Niall commented on awe, moving it in his hands.

“All guns have flashlights at the top of course.” Leo said, resting his hands on his hips. “You will all have 3 of these guns. God knows how long it will take you to come back.” sadness could be heard in his voice as he said that.

“Plus, you have hangers, range is over 5 meters, so if you ever need to climb up or hang from somewhere, you got them.” Leo added moving his hands.

“I haven't seen a better gun in my life.” Niall said as he sat back down next to me. I seriously couldn't take my eyes off of from the weapon. The metallic black colour looked amazing along with the light blue liquid in the case right above the marks N.H. It looked so professional.

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