Chapter 30. - Out of Left Field

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It was morning. And we were still together.

In all the times I've sneaked around with Ash, it was never the morning. It was late at night or even late afternoon. We were what went bump in the dark, behind closed doors. And even yesterday, when he sneaked in to wake me up the most delicious way possible for my birthday, by the time I was ready to get out of bed, he was gone.

Now, he was here. And he while he planned on stepping out for a while, Ash was going to come back.

We were together in broad daylight, neither of us under the influence of alcohol or the pressure of a party. This wasn't a casual hookup anymore - I couldn't deny that anymore.

This morning, as my blind cat rubbed himself up on Ash's ankle, begging him for food and attention - something shifted in the air. Something that I wasn't comfortable admitting.

"What would you like for breakfast, Gia?" He asked while lacing up his black boots, and looking up at me from under his black lashes.

"A parfait." I replied, narrowing my eyes at him, distracted as I tried to figure out if he felt that anything was off.

But Ash acted as if everything was business as usual as he nodded, grabbed his valet, and after a soft lick over my lips, he left.

"Holy fuck," I told Neuro, who meowed in agreement. "What did I get us into, handsome boy?"


I barely had time to pour some cat food into Neuro's bowl, when there was a soft rap at the door. Frowning, I padded across the living room, pulling a robe on as I headed to the front door. Knowing this wouldn't be Ash - because, well he never knocked - I peered out the peephole before throwing it open in surprise. "Dad! You're here! I thought you were heading out of town today."

My father stepped in, his light eyes taking in the empty room. Was he expecting to find someone else here?

"I needed to come see you, Gianna. We have to talk." His voice was serious, his gaze stern as he looked at me. "Do you want to go somewhere?"

I bit down on my lower lip. "I'm kinda having..." I was out of words, which was very unlike me. I never had trouble articulating my thoughts, not even as a child. Yet right now, I was stuttering - and my father noticed. "I'm having breakfast delivered."

My father glanced down at his clock. "It's half to noon."

"I've had a long night and an even longer day. You don't even want to know!" I chuckled, trying to play it off. "Let me just get my phone and tell the delivery driver-"

But of course, before I could finish my sentence, my front door swung open, revealing Ash's tall figure and two bags full of food.

"Shit!" I cursed under my breath as both Ash and my father came to a halt, eyeing each other across the room. "Ash, you remember my dad, Mick. Dad, this is Ash."

My father nodded at the giant man. "Rockstaring must not pay as much as I thought if you take up food delivery on the side."

Ash's black gaze turned to me, his brow cocking in question. "Don't mind him. He came over to talk before heading back to Silicon Valley."

He nodded. "Don't mind me, then. We can have breakfast another time." Ash said in his deep, throaty voice as he walked toward my kitchen. "I'll just drop the parfaits off."

"Wait here!" I told my dad as I rushed after Ash. "You don't have to leave. He should know better than to just-"

Ash turned to me with a crooked smile. "I can come back tonight. I have a few things I should get done today anyway." He stepped closer, one think finger reaching out to caress my jaw as I craned my neck to look up at him. "You look worried, red. Will you miss me?"

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