Part 44 ~

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I'm sorry if this chapter seems drags a little at the beginning. I was very tired when I wrote this:') x

Livia's POV:

So today was the day. My wedding day; one of the happiest days of my life and yet I felt like crap!

Rubbing my eyes I sit up in bed, pushing myself back so I can easily lean against the headrest. Looking to my left I feel a sharp pang in my heart, knowing that side of the bed hadn't been slept in. 

Josh didn't return last night. After five hours of endless apologizing to Connor and Lucy for witnessing our argument, I finally built up the courage to ring him. I was only greeted by his answering machine.

Throughout the night I continued to check my phone, reopening the messaging app countless times but he didn't respond...

Grabbing my phone from the beside table I immediately check the app, only to once again be greeted by nothing and I feel both my stomach and heart drop in disappointment.

I don't even care about getting married now. I really don't. All I want is nothing more than to see him. Apologize for ever making him feel jealous and over protective, for kicking him out of our home when he was only worried about losing me. 

Right now I hate the Idea of a wedding, let alone my wedding. The only purpose of this whole thing was to bring Josh and me closer together. Look where that's gotten us...

Swinging my legs over the sides of the bed I stand up, grabbing my dressing gown from the back of the door I head downstairs towards the kitchen.

Lucy stands there in her dressing gown, sipping on her coffee as she talks to Sam, and as soon as she sees me she smiles weakly. Man this girl can read me like a book...

"Hey you" she smiles, walking over and wrapping her arms tightly around me. "How did you sleep?"

"I didn't." I admit, leaning away from our embrace to make myself a cup of coffee. However before I can reach it Sam steps in front of me. 

"The bride can't waist time making simple things like a cup of coffee on her wedding day now can she" he smiles as Lucy takes my arm, forcing me to sit down on a stool beside the kitchen counter. 

"Wow..." I laugh, poking his rib as he makes his way back to the coffee machine. 

"It's the least I can do" he smiles, handing me my mug, as soon it's ready. Taking a sip I sigh in relief, letting the warm liquid heat me up slightly. 

"So, where's my mother?" I laugh, "I'm surprised she's not already here forcing my gown over my head" 

This causes Sam to laugh loudly as he sits down next to me. 

"She was here earlier, at around seven this morning to be exact," Lucy admits making me snicker. "I thought you would appreciate a lie in so I sent your mum to the florist to pick up the flowers" Lucy smiles. 

Glancing at the clock I furrow my eyebrows confused. "It's half nine... It's taken her two hours and a half to pick up some flowers?" I laugh, taking a sip of my drink. 

"Well I figured that would happen..." Lucy admits smiling mischievously. "The florist don't actually open until eleven"

Lucy confession makes me choke on my coffee, and I spit the majority of it back out onto the counter. "You cheeky son of a bitch" I splutter, quickly wiping up the surface whilst Lucy does a little curtsey. 

"I may be maid of honor from hell but I'm still one heck of a good friend!" she laughs and I nod my head in agreement.

"Yes! Yes you are aren't you," I smile, and before either of us know it we're back in each others arms, laughing as we hug each other tightly.

Not so perfect but is love enough? (SEQUAL) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now