4.19 girl meets roadtrip

Start from the beginning

"Got it, Pangers."

"Okay, be careful. We love you." Katy said after she and Shawn walked over.

"Call whenever you guys stop for the night, okay?" Shawn said before Amzie and Maya nodded.

"Aye aye, Captain." Amzie said with a salute, making her brother chuckle.

"Have fun."

"Love you! Want me to follow you or what?" Amzie asked as she looked over at Luke.

"I can follow you." Luke said with a shrug.


"Amzie, bow your head." Zay said before Amzie and the girls looked at him.

"—for what?"

"I'm gonna pray for us." Zay said.


"Because we following you. We got a GPS, but we're following you. I'm gonna pray that we get there without dying." Zay said before everyone but Amzie chuckled.

"Zay, God doesn't like you, okay? He grew you in a Petri dish. Shut the hell up." Amzie said, making everyone laugh.

"Biggie finna shoot you, Tupac." Lucas said, making Luke laugh harder.

"Okay, Madea."

"You ready?" Amzie asked with a chuckle as she looked at Luke.

"I'm all set."

"Okay, cool. Autobots, roll out." Amzie said before she pulled away.

"Can I play music?" Maya asked after Amzie got on the interstate.

"Go for it." Amzie said before Maya grabbed her phone.



"I have a question." Smackle said.

"Isadora Smackle, I swear. If the question is can you pull over so I can pee?—the answer's no." Amzie said as she looked in the rear view mirror.

"No. Not that. What are you taking birth control for?" Smackle asked before Amzie looked at Maya and Riley.

"Should I tell her?"


"I have endometriosis. Basically, tissue that normally lines my uterus is growing outside of it. The birth control helps keep my hormones in check." Amzie said.

"Who knows?"

"Luke, Riley, Maya, Shawn, Katy. I was gonna wait until after the trip to tell you, Zay, and Farkle." Amzie said.

"I'm sorry, Z."

"That's okay. Who's calling me? Hello?" Amzie asked after Maya answered the call.



"Can you hear me?" Lucas asked before Amzie rolled her eyes.

"Lucas, Jesus Himself can hear you. You're connected to the aux. What do you want?" Amzie asked as the girls chuckled.

"We can hear your Fergie and we're two car spaces behind you." Lucas said.

"Lucas, you ignorant slut. First of all: this is Iggy, bitch. Second: I hope Mom can hear me all the way in Boston." Amzie said.


"You're killing my vibe. Bye." Amzie said before she hung up.

"It's me. Fergie. The pimp! Pollo—!"

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