3.21 girl meets hollyworld

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"She's already seen your face." Maya said as she looked at Riley.

"Yes, but she doesn't know that my name is Riley Matthews. Hi. Do they have a good reason for this?" Riley asked as she looked at Bobbie.

"I am an international superstar. I will not be handcuffed to a radiator." Bobbie said in a French accent.

"Hey, you said that just like Anastasia Boulangerie in the blockbuster thriller I Will Not Be Andcuffed to a Radiator." Riley said.



"That is Anastasia Boulangerie. My parents produced one of her movies last summer." Luke said as he gestured to her.


"Where are my cookies?" Bobbie asked.


"I want my French cookies. Do you know what they are called?" Bobbie asked.


"Yes! You will be my new cookie bringer!" Bobbie said as she looked at Riley.

"Yay! Guys, yay!"

"Riley, focus. We kidnapped Anastasia Boulangerie." Amzie said as she looked at the brunette.

"Oh! Well, go big or go home I always say." Riley said before Luke, Maya, and Amzie looked at each other.

"Really? Never lost a case, huh?" Maya asked.

"Think you ever will?" Luke asked.


"Ha ha!" Amzie said as she pointed at Topanga.

"This is not creme fraiche. This is whipped cream; from a store." Bobbie said as she looked at Riley.

"I have failed you." Riley said as she looked down.

"Oh, and you. Street rat. You call this a flower? No, no, no. I call this a blob." Bobbie said as she looked at Maya.

"Look, lady, you're not our guest. You're being—" Amzie started.



"Borrowed is what we did. I don't like the other word. I like borrowed." Riley said.

"I don't think it makes a difference." Amzie said.

"Yes. I think it does. I don't mind being borrowed. It's romantic like a fountain. Get me a fountain." Bobbie said before Riley started laughing.

"What? You're laughing because where are we gonna get a fountain?" Maya asked as she looked at her best friend.

"No, I'm laughing because what on earth is my father gonna put on the board for this one?" Riley asked with a chuckle.

"Squeak!" Riley said after they walked in to see an officer.

"I wanted a chocolate fountain." Bobbie said after Luke carried a fountain into Maya's room.

"I wanted a chance for my mom to play one great role." Maya said.

"You went too far. Do you understand? I went too far because I am your best friend, but there are limits to best friendship. There are no limits to us." Riley said as she looked at the blondes.

"Good! Now let's just not do anything that could get us caught." Amzie said before they took selfies with Bobbie.

"Look, I know what we did was wrong, but the reason we did it is because my mom's up for a movie and we think she could really be right for the role." Maya said as Amzie nodded.

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