T H I R T Y - F I V E

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Brooklyn's POV

*A few weeks later*

Ever since Dimitri proposed to me in the cutest way, life has been... the same over the past few weeks. I mean I'm ecstatic, but sometimes I wish that Dimitri wasn't the Alpha so that he could spend time with me more...

Anyway, here I am, watching Teen Wolf for the umpteenth time. I love Sterek so much, I don't necessarily ship them, but they're a fun duo! My phone suddenly rang. I looked at the caller ID and found that Becca was calling me. 

"Hey, Becs," I answered, pausing the show.

"Heya gurl! What  ya doing?" She asked, cheery as usual.

"I'm just watching Teen Wolf," I replied.

"Girl, you literally watch that show everyday!" She screamed out.

"So what? I love i--" I didn't get to finish my sentence before I dashed to the bathroom and spewed out all the contents in the toilet.

This has been happening for a few days now, and I have no idea why... Maybe it was because of the food I'm eating? I mean, I haven't really been eating that well... But when you come to think of it, my tummy has bloated a bit - and I'm not even on my period! 

Speaking of periods... I didn't have mine for over a month... Maybe it's just late? 

Okay, I think I'm overreacting just a little bit. I quickly washed my mouth and sat on my bed, completely forgetting that I was on a call with Becca.

"Oh sorry Becca, I just needed to use the toilet," I apologised. 

"Hey, Brook. I heard what you did. Why didn't you tell me that you're puking? We should get you to the pack doctor..." She said.

"No, there's no ne--" Before I could finish my sentence, she ended the call. I looked at my phone and sighed. I guess there's no getting out of this one. 

The door suddenly opened and footsteps dashed up the stairs and into my room. 

"I'm here!" Becca exclaimed with jazz hands.

"I can see that," I chuckled.

"Anyway... Let's go!" She said, grabbing my arm and forcing me to get out of the house and to the doctor. 

I winced when the sun hit my eyes. Wow, I didn't realise how much I've missed the Sun.

After a few minutes, we stood in front of a huge hospital - the pack hospital to be exact. We stepped in and a doctor randomly stood in front of us. 

"Luna, Beta Female, to what do I owe this pleasure?" He greeted, pushing his glasses up.

"Well... I was wondering if Brooklyn here could have a little checkup, she's been vomiting over the past few days, now. We want to know if anything is going on, if you know what I mean," She answered. 

"Ahh, yes. Of course, if you could just follow me." He replied, bowing and leading us to a room upstairs.

"Lie down here, Luna," He instructed as he held his clipboard and pen. 

"I'm just going to ask a few questions and answer them as honestly as you can," I nodded.

"Have you had anything bad or off to eat in the past few days?" He asked. I thought about it for a moment.

"Well, the only thing I had that was bad was sushi, but that was like two weeks ago," I replied honestly.

He nodded while writing down something on his clipboard.

"Have you and the Alpha had sexual intercourse over the past few weeks?" I blushed at this, but nodded nevertheless.

"Okay, then have you missed your period at all this month?" He asked genuinely. 

Oh, I know where this is going to...

"Uh, well I missed it but I just think it's late, that's a--" 

"Luna, sorry to interrupt you, however, there's nothing to be afraid of.  We'll find out for certain whether you're truly pregnant or not," 

I sighed and nodded. He gave me a pregnancy test to use. "The bathroom is to the right,"

I went in the toilet and used the pregnancy test. I peed on the stick and stepped out to the room. 

"Now we just wait," I said. 

A few minutes past and we seemed to get our results.

"Brooklyn, congratulations, you're pregnant!" Becca screamed out, jumping up and down.

I literally didn't know what to say. I was speechless, gobsmacked even. 

I looked down at my stomach. I mean, I didn't mind having a little baby grow inside of me, but aren't I too young? I just turned 18 a while ago - is this a big step for me? 

But most importantly: What will Dimitri think once I tell him? Will he leave me for having a baby this early? Did he even want a baby? Was he even ready when he had s*x with m--

"Brook! Stop overthinking! I'm sure Dimitri will be happy," Becca said, answering my thoughts. 

"As for this, should I alert the Alpha?" The doctor asked.

"Yes," She said.

"No," I said.

Becca and I looked at each other weirdly before saying once again.

"Yes," She once again said.

"No," I once again said.

"Why?! He's going to be so happy once he finds out, let's just do it now to get it over and done with," She said quickly.

"What, no! I... want to tell him. I think it'll be best coming from me." I reasoned, even though I truly didn't believe myself.

"Well, you can tell him now. I just asked him to come since it's an emergency. He should be here right about..."


And just like that, Dimitri was in my view. "Hey baby, what's up?" He asked, kissing my lips.

"Hey... we need to talk, can we go home?" I asked nervously. That's when his eyes went hard. He stiffly nodded.

In a flash, we were at home. We stepped into our home and I turned to him. 

"What I'm about to say... I hope it doesn't change the fact that I love you and I'd die without you, please keep that in mind," I told him.

He looked at me weirdly but nodded. 


"Just spit it out, baby,"

"I'm pregnant," 

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