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Brooklyn's POV

I woke up this morning feeling all fresh and new. Something that doesn't happen everyday. I got up from bed and did my normal morning routine.

I was wearing high waisted jeans and a white crop top, with converse shoes.

Today was going to be a pleasant day.. I hope.

Thankfully it wasn't a school day.

• • •

Just before I set off, I was greeted by a note which said that my mum was going to be out late, working. I was totally fine with that, I mean, I practically grew up by myself.

I decided to go to the park.

It was a while since I went to any park - for that matter.

As I stepped in, I inhaled the smell of wet grass, and flowers. I sat down at a random bench and looked at my surroundings.

Everything looked peaceful and relaxing.

Half an hour passed, and I was still in my little euphoria. I decided that now would be a good opportunity to go home, and take a nice and calming bath.

As I was walking towards the gate, I heard tiny sails of agony. I turned my head and spotted a tiny kitten laying down on the ground, near the forest. I frowned and walked towards it.

It looked towards me and started, well tried, to back away from me.

"It's ok, I won't hurt you." I cooed, hoping it would understand what I was saying.

Just as I kneeled down, and looked at it, something else caught my eye. I looked towards it and found yellow eyes staring at me.

My eyes widened.

What the f*ck?

I hoped that it was just some figment of my imagination, but what cut me off, was a deep, menacing growl. My heart beat increased as I looked down towards the kitten, who was now, gone.

My eyes widened. Where the hell did it go?!

I stood up and looked back at the yellow eyed creature, whose eyes were dead set on me. I stepped back, but abruptly stopped when it growled once again. I stood still, unable to move. Just as it was going to emerge from the trees, I dashed away, at whatever direction.

I didn't look behind me as I ran for my life, literally.

I was so scared, adrenaline was pumping through my veins. I could still hear the pounding of paws hitting the ground behind me. It was gaining on me. I prayed that it would just leave me alone. As I was running, I did the mistake of looking behind me, making me falter in my footsteps, almost making me trip and fall to the ground. I turned my head back and just as I was about to turn, I bumped into a furry surface, making me fall to the ground. I groaned and looked up.

Right there, before me was a huge, black wolf, with piercing, stormy grey eyes. I gasped as it stared at me. Trails of tears were falling, as I stared at the wolf before me. It reeked of power, and call me crazy, but I felt drawn to it.

His eyes softened when meeting mine, and, I swear I heard him whimper, when his eyes trailed towards my tear stained cheeks.

Another growl formed from behind me, making the wolf in front of me, spring to action. It roared loudly, almost making me cringe away. It then charged towards the other wolf, swiftly biting its neck and forcing him into the ground. The yellow eyed wolf whimpered and attempted to break free from his claws and sharp canines. In one swift movement, his paws pressed hard onto the wolf's neck, crushing it, and probably ending his life.

I swear I've seen this wolf before.

It turned around, carefully trotting towards me. I was hesitant at first, but then welcomed it. I didn't know why, but I allowed it to come towards me. It then, suddenly licked me. I looked at his eyes, and I swear it turned icy blue, for just a second.

"T-thank y-ou." I stuttered out, petting it. It answered by licking my face once more, making me giggle. It was soon licking my neck. I felt weird, sparks were erupting. I didn't know wolves did that. I didn't think of it much.

Until it bit me.

I freaked out. I screamed and trashed around as it bit me deeper. Suddenly, a sense of pleasure took over me, a quiet moan slipped out of my mouth, before I quickly closed it. The wolf was now licking it. I tried pushing the wolf off me, but stopped as I felt suddenly nauseous. I didn't know what came over me as I slipped in unconsciousness.

• • •

I woke up, from my bed, feeling weird and tingly all over. It was one in the morning and I just woke up from a nightmare, and boy, did it feel real!

I went to the bathroom to fix myself up and just as I looked in the mirror, I screamed.

My eyes were zeroed on my neck. I was freaking out.

The dream was real!

I hesitantly touched my neck, which was now, two punctures, and swollen all around. I cringed at the sight.

How am I going to school like this?!

Thankfully, it was fading away, but rather slowly.

How am I not dead yet?

Weren't wolf bites deadly? Am I still dreaming?

Ouch. I pinched myself.

Definitely not dreaming.

Ugh what the hell am I supposed to do with a huge wolf bite on my neck!

I don't think I'll be able to cover it up with makeup, I mean, it's a wound for crying out loud!

I looked through my drawers, and yelled out in triumph, as I found a medical kit.

Even though it wasn't dripping blood, I don't know when it would be bleeding.

I grabbed a gauze and carefully placed it there. I placed tape around it. I looked towards the mirror and cringed at the sight.

I'll just wear a scarf over it.

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